Why I Gossip; Why Do You?

I know why I gossip, but do you know why you gossip?
But what is gossip?
Dictionary says it is, casual or unconstrained conversation or reports about other people, typically involving details that are not confirmed as being true.
Mind you, from the above, gossip is not lying but retailing factual tales. It is not also spreading lies.
I gossip because I am human and humans are social animals that need to communicate with one another.   This communication, bonds us and when talk about what we heard in the shadows, we feel we are sharing a secret that no other person knows.Another reason why I gossip, is because I like to know people’s reaction, when they hear what we discuss behind their back.
When I retail stories, I don’t add salt or minus pepper, I say it as I was told. I do not reveal my sources except when such revelations are necessary to safe my integrity; particularly, when the originator of the gossip turns the table on me without first telling me to cover him or her.
When you spread lies, know that you are not gossiping but defaming someone. When you defame, you are liable to prosecution.But if you gossip, you are not responsible with how far your audience will carry your words.
So when I am boxed at a beer table, I state this caveat; I am drunk, it is alcohol talking, please don’t quote me.
If the gossip is required to get her to loosen up, I blame it on emotional drunkenness but no matter what’s responsible for my lose fingers and diarrhea of the mouth, know that I do not lie; I do not manufacture tales and I do not hallucinate, just to be centre of any social gathering.

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