Know Kubwa Holy Ground; St Matthew’s Anglican Church

So I followed my wife to church to appease her. Today is her birthday and I have been away for about a week now.

Her church, is St. Matthew Anglican Church, Kubwa District Centre, Phase iv, Kubwa.

Today’s service is Contemporary Service and Zonal Harvest. Had I known, I would’ve stayed back.   Zonal harvest means the church members from the 6 geo-political zones of North-West, North-East, South-South, South-West and South East, are to come along this political divide and give money, harvest items. 

According to a member we spoke to, at the end of the harvest, the zone that gave the highest harvest materials (cash), would be announced the winner at the end of the General Harvest, sometime in October/November. Would their Jesus have allowed this? Why divide the body of Christ on political lines? I thought they are all one in Christ because they believe in one Christ and partake in the breaking of bread and drink from the same chalice?

In a twist of mischief, the playlets by the zones, especially the South East, highlighted the hardship of multiple collection of offerings by the Church with the Church not giving anything in return to its members.

Today was more of a carnival than a solemn celebration of Eucharist or divination of the mind of their God for them, going into the next week.

Apart from this politicization of service, the presiding Vicar, Revd. Canon Richard Adekoya, did Justice to his sermon with the theme; God of Culture (Deuteronomy 18:8-12).
He delivered it eloquently in pigin English but lost me, when the culture he wanted his listeners to imbibe, is the Jewish Culture as contained in his Bible but he quickly did a little adjustment and said, that Jesus has removed the devilish and evil part of African culture.
He blamed the devil for introducing sin into  the culture and tradition given to Adam and Eve in Garden of Eden.    

He condemned dedicating of farm produce to African gods, whom he kept referring to idols and urge his members to bring those things to his god and not African gods.    

As he was ranting, pages of Things Fall Apart and Arrow of God by Chinua Achebe, kept flashing through my mind and I laughed at this continuing brainwashing of Africans by fellow Blackman, who have proudly taken over from the colonial masters.

Earlier, was Bible study titled The Lord God And The Reign Of Peace, with sub theme; Mandate of the Church for noble and godly rule (2). The main text of the Bible Study, is Nehemiah8:1-8

For inquiry call: Mrs Chika Ibekwe 08037004841

Like all organized religion, this church has material, worldly needs to assist build an empire for a god who lives in heaven.

If you are new in Kubwa and want a small Anglican Church that is codedly political, where everyone knows one another, to attend, we recommend this Church to you.

2 Comments on “Know Kubwa Holy Ground; St Matthew’s Anglican Church”

  1. Dear author,
    I must say that you write up is full of half truths. Firstly, you were late to church you and hurriedly left right after the Sunday Thanksgiving, only to go back home and sit down to come up with derogatory epistle about a church you and your household are full members?? Nobody is dividing any body. The idea behind that is just to raise funds for the church winner or not. Don’t think because there’s power in the ink and hence you spew falsehood and ultimately feed the unsuspecting public with wrong information.

    1. Good morning,
      1. The author came late but met the playlets and other presentations by the different geopolitical zones. He also sat through the Sermon and we have video of it.

      2. I wrote the article while in church and not at home as you stated. It was published after it was approved by our team.

      3. If your Vicar or the Church feels strongly about the “half truth”, in the article, the thing to be done, is publish a rejoinder or write a formal letter to the Editor but not for your Church member and the Vicar inclusive to turn it into a personal war. THEY SENT IT TO THE WIFE OF THE Author.

      3(b), Thanks for accepting there were truth although half by you, in the article. At least you didn’t accuse us of total falsehood.
      4. The author said he left the Church, when his business was done. After sermon, the rest is commercial activities by your Church.

      5. We stand by the contents of that article and urge you to take a look inwards over some of the things that are being said from the pulpit by your Vicar.

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