Kubwa Ritual Murder; Police Arrests Father and Son

The Nigeria Police, has arrested a man and his son, suspected to be the brains behind the murder and dismembering of a lady, whose mutilated remains were found under PW Bridge, Kubwa. The man is popularly known as Baba Dominions. We are reliably informed that the duo owned up to knowing about the murder but are accusing and counter accusing each other of being the murderer.

The father and son we learnt, were arrested at Bazango area of Kubwa after the Mai boola that they paid to dump the “refuse” raised alarm and alerted the police after dumping the refuse and realized that it was human remains.

Attempt by our reporter to speak to the Area Commander, Kubwa FCT Area Command, met brick walls as we were told that investigation is still on going and the press will be addressed at appropriate time.

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