NBA GS; Know Osamuede Aenoguan In 19 Lines And Choose

1. Treasurer, National Union of Benin students, Edo State University, Ekpoma Chapter.  1993 – 1994

2. President, Law Students Association (LAWSA), Edo State University,Ekpoma Chapter.                                                                                 1996 – 1997

3. Corps Liaison Officer (CLO) Ohaji/Egbema L.G.A.., Imo State     1998 – 1999

4. Member, NBA (Benin Branch) Human Rights Committee      2001 – 2004

5. Member, Law week Planning Committee                                         2002

6. Secretary, NBA Benin Branch                                    2010 – 2012

7. Member, National Executive Committee of the NBA   2010 – 2012

8. Member, Committee for the Review of the Old Bendel State High Court (Civil Procedure) Rules that produced Edo State High Court (civil procedure) Rules 2012                                                

9. Member, Standing Committee on the Review of the New Edo State High Court (Civil Procedure) Rules      2013 till date

10. Member, Committee for the Drafting of the Edo State Family  Court Rules.       2013                                                                               

11. Member, NBA (National) Election Monitoring Team for the 2007 General  Elections (Domestic Observer status)

12. Member, NBA (National Election Monitoring Team for the 2011 General Elections (Domestic Observer Status)

13. Member, NBA Election Working Group                                            2015

14. Member, National Executive Committee (NEC) of the NBA            2014 – 2020

15. Member, Committee on the implementation of the Edo State Family Court.     2015

16. Member, Committee for the Drafting of the Family Court Rules. 2015

17. Member, Governing Council of Multidoor Court House of Edo State.

18. Chairman, Nigeria Bar Association, Benin Branch     2016 – 2018

19. Member, Legislative Advocacy and Law Reform Committee of the NBA.                                                                        2016 – 2018

20. Member, National Executive Committee                                          2020 – 2022                          


1. As the person in charge of the secretariat, I shall ensure discipline, accountability, hard work, efficiency and effectiveness of the staff and a conducive and comfortable work environment for all staff.
2. We shall embark and engage on staff, training and re-training to optimize staff performance.
3. Under my supervision, we shall ensure and guarantee smooth, fast, responsive and friendly communication with the Secretariat of each branch.
4. The time line for processing and receipt of our stamps and other products from the National Secretarial shall be improved upon.
5. We shall take stock of the assets, properties and investments of the Association and make it known and available to members at the click of a button.
6. In accordance with Section 5(e) (11) of the NBA Constitution (as amended), we shall not only keep the minutes of meetings and list of attendance at such meetings, we shall in addition, develop an easy and accessible means of saving all the Resolutions taken at our National Executive Council (NEC) and Annual General (AGM) Meetings in a way that they can be cited and also accessed on our Website.  This is to ensure that Institutional Memory is saved and accessible. (For example, we should be able to refer to a decision of NEC taken at Abuja NEC meeting in 2010 as NEC/ABJ/2010R1 (for such similar references).  We would create this as far back as we can get information and ensure that it is easily sustained after us.
7. We shall also not only keep a roll of members and an up to date list of branches, we shall also ensure that this is also made available to members at a click of button. This would go a long way in keeping away quacks from our profession.
8. We shall commence the process of ensuring that not only will a name be tied to the Supreme Court number is merged.  This would prevent impostors or relatives impersonating dead relatives or colleagues.
9. We shall ensure that the production and issuance of our NBA sticker is harmonized across the country in accordance with our registered Logo and ensure that it is no longer available for sale across the counter or book stands at our courts but only at NBA Secretariat(s).
10. We shall also ensure that such stickers are now produced and tied to the holder’s Supreme Court Number or some other numbers or code with which the owner/holder of the NBA sticker can be easily identified, recognized or traced.
11. We shall propose and commence the process for the amendment of the Evidence Act to include a provision that will render inadmissible in evidence any instrument relating to land that is not prepared by a legal practitioner and bearing the stamp and particulars of such legal practitioner.
12. We shall vigorously pursue and ensure that legal practitioners get appropriate charges for land documentation(s) prepared by them and in this wise, we shall work with the branches to ensure that they also amend the respective land instruments preparation law and land instruments Registration La w to accommodate this position.
13. We shall ensure the smooth and efficient working of the facilities at the Secretariat and make sure that members and colleagues are satisfied with the quality of service that they get or receive whenever they visit or have business with the Secretariat.
14. We shall provide the necessary incentives to promote and compensate hard work while we shall be strict and hard on ineffectiveness, inefficiency and general lackadaisical attitude towards work.
15. We shall in collaboration with a network provider create a closed user group (CUG) between the National Executives, Secretariats (National and Branches) and Members who may be willing to join in order to enjoy toll free calls amongst members of the group to enhance free and unlimited calls within the group.
16. We shall advocate vigorously for the enthronement and implementation of the proper remuneration for our colleagues (a process that is already on going under the present leadership).
17. We shall ensure that minutes of meetings either of NEC or AGM are published and circulated within 72 hours after meetings, calling for correction(s) which corrections shall be effected well before the next meeting.  This will save quality time during the next meeting.
18. We shall carry out beautification of the Secretariat and its environs to befit the status of our revered profession.
19. We shall take proper stock of the Assets and properties of the Association and shall create a comprehensive record of same which shall be handed over to successors to the office.
20. We shall be most receptive and open to ideas or criticism that would help us to improve service deliver and to better meet the expectation(s) of our members as we do not profess to have all the ideas being only but mere mortals.
21. Above all of what has been stated hereinbefore.  I shall be available, and ready to serve and respond to the need(s) of members as they may arise.
22. This is my BOND So help me God.
23. Please let us actualize these dreams together from August 2022 – August 2024.
See you at the SECRETARIAT.
Dated this 14th day of April, 2022.

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