2022 NBA Election; Festival of Petitions & The Monkey’s Hand

It became obvious that 2022 NBA Election, will be a harvest of election when the first canon was fired, asking Electoral Committee of NBA(ECNBA) to adjudicate on the issue of micro zoning among the Zones that the Constitution had zoned offices to, especially the North.

ECNBA dealt with this. The shadowy sponsors of this, not being satisfied, temporarily calm down. Not done, they have reappeared seeking constitutional interpretation of NEC membership, attendance of meeting and who is the Chairman of NBA Abuja(Unity Bar) These modern day seekers of interpretation of NBA Constitution are not interested in constitutionalism or democratic process in NBA but hired hands, they are the most coward set of petitioners.

Curiously enough, no petition has been written against Jonathan Taidi. This is fishy and the stench smells deeper than rotten corpse.

Of all the petitions, the most ridiculous are the ones written by Kayode Bello, a non-lawyer, a non-member of our Great association. Well ECNBA in a bid to give fair hearing and to be seen as being transparent, served lawyers, a petition written by a non-lawyer whose aim is to muddle our electioneering process.

Another curious development is, ECNBA that entertained a petition from a non-lawyer, wanted NBA Owerri to verify if the petitioner against Ogaga, was a lawyer. NBA Owerri Chairman, acting on a script, quickly denied a financially up to date member of Owerri Branch. The affected lawyer, I learnt had served NBA Owerri and its Chairman, pre-action notice and a demand for apology.

As this festival of petitions near harvest, the nagging questions are; who is afraid of YC Maikyau? Who is afraid of JK Gadzama? Who stands to benefit if YC is disqualified and the race becomes a two horse race between JK and Taidi? Who stands to benefit, if JK is disqualified and the race boils down to YC and Taidi? If all the candidates from Unity Bar, especially YC, JK and Yamah (GS hopeful), are flushed out, who stands to reap from this?

At my own corner of the ring, who stands to benefit if I and Oga are disqualified?

Your ability to answer the above, will tell you, who or whose camp is sponsoring these petitions and what they seek to achieve.

I have been able to remove the monkey’s hand from the pot of soup and it is not a monkey but a human’s hand, and I know who owns which hand used to write these petitions, despite our presences to not knowing who is doing who what.

I urge the ECNBA, to look into these petitions, if there are merits and not malice, to bring down the ax on the erring aspirant(s), heavens will not fall but heavens will collapse, if a candidate is disqualified based in a petition written by a non-lawyer.

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