Today we vied off Blessed Chapel road phase iv to the end of Romanus Nzekwe street. After NINA hotel & Gardens, there are two churches, Grace Land Assembly and Holy City Prophetic & Miracle Ministry.

The spirit drove us to the latter.
Holy City Prophetic & Miracle Ministry, is at the elbow junction of Akpusi Celestine crescent and NINA hotel & Gardens. It is a small church of less than 25 people but from the mannerism and declaration of the Woman of God, Prophetess Mrs. Ann Igbinoba, this church is a prayer ground, her side hustle as she is a prophetess and not a shepherded. She is best used in crusade as a resource person and also in holding private divination for those in need. He spiritual strength is also in deliverance and casting out of demons.
For a small church, their musical instrument is too loud and choky. But if you are open to being ministered under a woman’s anointing, this church is for you. If you want to serve and grow in the service of the Lord, you can start here rather than in those mega multi-national churches. But the caveat remains, you must be willing to be under a woman’s spiritual leadership and guidance.
After much prayers and Bible study, she went into today’s sermon, taking her reading from the gospel of St. Matthew chapter 16:13-19.
Her sermon is loaded with jaw breaking nuggets and jabs that we could relate to. With her full stage presence worthy of any televangelist, she went about delivering with right phonetical primping of her sermon.
According to her, “to overcome, you must know who you are in Christ and not what people call you. Peter understood who Jesus is in his life. You cannot have reason to celebrate and be satisfied, when you know who you are in Christ and not the position you hold in church or ministry. You must understand time. If you understand time you won’t envy any man.
It is stupidity for a 3yr old church to what to achieve what a 30 yr old church is doing, no matter the level of anointing in that church.
If God has blessed you with his riches, don’t raise your standard of living but increase your standard of giving. Don’t be the reason somebody cried last night. Gate in Bible term is the entrance point into fortified cities in ancient times, where counsel is held. When you pass through the gate, they take census of you. You are documented at the gates.
Every city has a gate. There are gatekeepers. There are gate keepers even here in Kubwa. You may not know it but there are gate keepers and if the gatekeepers do not welcome you, you cannot posses anything. Some people in Kubwa may live here without owning anything until they wrestle with the gatekeepers of Kubwa and take your keys to enter the prosperity in Kubwa it is only then that you can prosper in Kubwa.
The gatekeeper can make life unbearable for a believer that he will deny Jesus. Peter who knew Jesus, confessed him and Jesus even promised to build his church upon Peter, denied him 3 times because of pressure from the gatekeeper.
Those who know God are the most targeted by the Devil and the gatekeepers of hell. But if you are sold out to God, nothing will shake you for any attack on you, is attack on him you believe.
As a believer, men may not be willing to help you because the gate is locked against you. You need to pray to break open that gate to enter your rest and prosper in the land the lord your God has given you.
The gate of hell represents a combination of hell policy and hell power. Trying time will come, tears period will come, a time will come and all area will be dark, you can only survive by holding unto God. There are some level you will be in life and the only thing that can save you is just opening your mouth to pray.”

When next your in Kubwa and weighed down spiritual, looking for a place to quietly commune with your God, Holy City Prophetic & Miracle Ministry, is a welcoming holy ground.