CAN Betrays, Disappoints And Abandons Deborah Yakubu-Bishop of The Sinners Assembly

The Bishop of The Sunners Assembly writes.
Christian Association of Nigeria (CAN) cancelled the prayer protest not because of security reports that Muslims will infiltrate the protest and cause havoc.
They cancelled it because most of them have soiled hands and cannot lift Holy Hands in one accord to call down Shekinah.
A Christian, particularly at leadership level, must know this scripture and use it, if he is in good standing with God.

2 Corinthians 10:4-5 King James Version
4 (For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds;).
5 Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ;

With this you can arrest any urchin, rouge or state sponsored infiltrators that want to give the Body of Christ a bad name. But because must CAN leaders, are worse than politicians, play worse politics than Road Transport Workers Union members, they quickly took the easy route out.

I was at the Ecumenical Centre Abuja to honor the call to protest by CAC. To my greatest surprise, we were shown SMS that the CAN Secretary had cancelled the protest and instructed the security men to lock the gate and deny anybody entrance. I protested, tried to mobilize the few youths on ground but they were not yielding and when the Chief Security Officer in charge of Ecumenical Centre brought some policemen, these youths fizzled out.
I engaged the police man who has marks on his face as though he survived a beating by a pussycat and insisted that it is my right to protest, my right to pray and that my stewardship, is part of what is used to build Ecumenical Centre.
One woman, who claims to be Manager of Royal Choice Inn, a glorified brothel inside the compound of Ecumenical Center, reinforced the order of the CAN Secretary and the gate was padlocked with me inside the compound.
I engaged some of the Security men on ground and they told me that a team of DSS operatives were on ground early this morning to make sure that no service took place in Ecumenical Centre, they further alleged that the cancellation by CAN Secretary had nothing to do with Security report but out of fear and CAN doe not want to be seen confronting the State with Brother (sic) Osinbajo being in Government.
I was sick to my stomach and the Spirit took into my full manifestation as Oracle of the Most High, The Bishop of The Sinners Assembly and on a chariot, took me  round the main auditorium of the Centre and bring in the spirit, I uttered REMA and Prophetic words and sent forth arrows to all the hotels where CAN leadership is hiding and negotiating. I also called on the God of Thunder, Holy Ghost Fire and Amadioha, to come take control of CAN and cleanse CAN the way fire burns out impurities from gold; the way fire burnt Deborah Yakubu.

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