As we tumble into 2023 general elections, we at and one of our editors, Ashimole Felix, Esq are appealing to Kubwa residents, particularly those who just turned 18 years within the past 4 years, to go get their PVCs so they they can define their future.
Ashimole Esq, also appealed to lawyers who are yet to get theirs, to do so. According to him, if you want to transfer your registration to a Polling Center near you, the best time to start is now.
All those who participated in ENDSARS protest, should continue the protest by getting their PVC and participate in the electioneering process as we march towards 2023.
You can make lasting impactful changes, if you mobilize for and vote in the candidate (s) that encapsulates the essence of your struggle.
The 4th Quarter (last quarter) CVR exercise resumes on the 11th April, 2022 – 30th June, 2022.
Registration Centres:
1. INEC State Offices
2. INEC LGA offices/Area Councils In Abuja.
3. RA/Ward Collation Centres (Rotational every week).