NBA Reform Or Burst

One need not to look into the crystal ball, to know that these are not best of times for the Nigerian Bar Association. The dogs of war have been assembled and vultures hover, to pick on the spoils of war.
Like Tower of Babel, all manner of disconcert voices are being heard. These voices are that of Jacob but we know the hairy hands of Esau behind them.
Welfare and Earning: Lawyers of all class, are under heavy financial yoke and believe that, NBA has not done anything to uplift these yoke. New wigs were employed, are not paid living wages by their seniors. They work akin to a slave on American plantation. They sweat out the profits for the firm but are denied the right to be well fed not even on the crumbs.
They look unto NBA but NBA fails to provide succor.
Left in the wilderness, they wonder into selling of all sorts short of providing exclusive outright hookup services.
If NBA do not urgently address this, most new wigs after statutory payment of enrollment fee, will turn their back on the Bar.
Branches: NBA should allow Vice Presidents truly supervise Branches in the zones. While I understand the fear of these ambitious Vices, cornering these Branches and lunching a rebellion against any sitting NBA President, their constitutional roles should not be interfered with. To checkmate them, NBA needs to have an uncluttered, noise free communication channel with the NBA President.
Law Society Of Nigeria: This has become a wasp perched on the scrotum of the Bar. After each round of election, those who felt they ought to win but the system gamed them(rightly or wrongly), have a welcoming embrace from LSN. In the past one year, they have brazenly dared NBA.
To whittle their growing influence, NBA must reform its electoral process.
Make sure there is instant auditing of voting after election.
On the part of the electorate, they should filter candidates and cast their lot with a Barman, who understands the dynamics and hydra-headed complexities of the Bar.
Furthermore, there may be need to reform NBA along regional Bars and like a confederate have a federal entity to be made up of the regional heads-EBF, Egbe, Arewa can be turned to South East Bar, South West Bar and big Arewa, broken into Middle Belt Bar and Northern Bar. As romantic as this may sound, NBA Constitution, has made it feasible by its acknowledging and breaking Nigeria into 3 in line with 1963 Regionalism, so why don’t we be woke and run with 6 geopolitical zone political-lexicon in vogue?
Proposed Amendment To The NBA Constitution. It is item C on the Agenda paper of the AGM scheduled to hold on 29th August. This is a land mine and like the devil’s alternative, neither A or B will go without casualties. How this is handled, will either strengthen NBA or it will fragment NBA to the glory of LSN.
A lot had been written about it and how most provisions are dead on arrival but we must be careful of the kick of a dying horse.
As desirable as reforms are in any society, those driving them, must communicate effectively to those who stand to benefit or the prospective beneficiaries will revolt and throw away the baby with the bath water.

We look forward to your coming to Kubwa, during the AGC, to enjoy the famed hospitality of the indigenous people of FCT

If I were in NBA leadership, these proposed amendments to the constitution, would’ve first been debated at NEC, chairmen given the opportunity to take it to their Branches and debate same, then an amalgamation of resolutions on it, would have made it a “we the people” document and not an attempting imposition to be smuggled in at AGM.

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