NBA Bwari Strongly Condemns Attack On Maxwell Opara Esq, At FHC Abuja.

We wish to express our deep and strong condemnation of the recent physical attack on Mr. Maxwell Opara, a member of the Executives, Nigerian Bar Association, Bwari Branch, within the premises of the Federal High Court, Abuja. Such acts of violence are not only deplorable but also strike at the very heart of justice and the rule of law.  It is deeply distressing to witness an individual being subjected to physical harm and abuse, especially within the supposed sanctuary of justice. Maxwell Opara, like all citizens, deserves the right to safety and security, particularly within the precincts of the legal system.As a branch of an association committed to upholding the principles of justice, fairness, and the protection of human rights, we call for swift and decisive action to be taken against those responsible for this reprehensible act. Perpetrators of violence must be held accountable for their actions to ensure that such incidents do not reoccur.We stand in solidarity with Maxwell Opara and offer our support in any way possible during this difficult time. We urge the relevant authorities to thoroughly investigate this matter and ensure that justice is served.
Violence has no place in our society, let alone within the halls of justice.
We must all work together to create a safe and conducive environment for the administration of justice and the protection of all individuals within our legal system.

Yours sincerely,
Akpomiemie Akpomiemie, Esq.
Publicity Secretary,
NBA Bwari Branch

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