Isiopko Bar Felicitates Sir Promise Iwezor As He Adds One More year To His Illustrious Life

Happy Birthday Sir Promise W. Iwezor PHD, A Generous & Distinguished Bar Man.  

The Executive Committee and the entire Members of the Nigerian Bar Association, Isiokpo Branch, celebrate with one of her past Chairman, Dr. Promise W. Iwezor, a liberal and munificent personality as he marks his birthday today Friday , 23rd February, 2024.
Dr. Promise W. Iwezor was:
1. Isiokpo branch Publicity Secretary 2010-2012.
2. Secretary Isiokpo branch 2012-2014
3. Chairman Isiokpo branch 2014-2016
4. Treasurer Eastern Bar Forum 2015-2017
5. NEC Representative 2018-2020.
6. Chairman Local Organizing Committee , LOC, NBA, Conference , Abuja, 2023.
7. Member NBA, disciplinary Committee.Dr. Promise Iwezor has served the NBA, National and local branch meritoriously and has contributed to the growth and well-being of the NBA and always willing to do more any day anytime .Dr. Iwezor is always willing to render help more than expected. A warm-hearted man who is always willing to see the good qualities in someone.
Dr. Iwezor, no doubt, it is confirmed by all that you are ever ready to share your resources no matter your constraints.
Your kind, is summed up in th Holy Bible in 2Corinthians 9:6-8, which reads thus: *”whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously. Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loveth a cheerful giver”*.
Sir, time will fail us if we continue to enumerate your goodwills and your high level of generosity to mankind .

Felix Chukwuma Ashimole, Esq., co-publisher Kubwaexpress is consulting to serve NBA as Publicity Secretary 2024-2026.

Your name speaks volume and your track record is uncontestable.
May the good Lord continue to bless you with good health and prosperity.
Congratulations and many happy returns.
©️Hycenth Okwukwu, Esq.

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