It was free for all on Tuesday 23rd August at Eko Atlantic City, the venue for collection of conference materials by conferees who had registered months ahead of the conference. Unfortunately, after days of repeated unfulfilled promises, the lawyers patience went cold and anger took over, with lawyers protesting and destroying the collection booths.
According to a conferee, “Better they say is the end of a thing than the beginning. Even the holy Bible lends credence to this.
Akpata started well but ending badly. Why did he collect money from lawyers and failed to give many of them Conference bags contrary to age long popular practice.
The painful aspect of it is the deceit involved. They promised some delegates will get the bags on Tuesday which is today but it didn’t happen.
Some aggrieved lawyers protested the deprivation in the morning.
I doubt if it has happened before now in the history of NBA.
This alone may rubbish his achievement, unless the bags are quickly procured and distributed before the end of AGC.”
Watch video of the protest:
It’s rather unfortunate that the leadership of Akpaka has failed woefully in this years AGC conference that monies lawyers paid for conference could not be reconciled with given them conference materials …. until now am unable to collect my bag and it’s on news that the boot has been scattered by angered lawyers which is no fault of theirs… I weep for NBA