Felix Chukwuma Ashimole Endorses Ogaga

Distinguished Colleague,

One clear month to July 16, the day for NBA Election, manifestos of all candidates are nowhere to be seen, for us to scrutinize our would be officers for 2022-2024 and make informed decision.
I never kept you in dark of my desire to have NBA truly digitalized, online NBA TV to give NBA the desired publicity but as they say, mother hen can now rejoice, the pot of corn has been toppled.

The journey despite how bumpy it was, was worth the ride. I met good colleagues on the way and relationships sealed will be treasured for life outside NBA.

Of all these friends, many were not willing to be associated with me openly, my undiluted gratitude goes to Mukosolu Ziggy, Esq of NBA Enugu.

ECNBA Letter Disqualifying Felix Chukwuma Ashimole for the office of Assistant General Secretary.

The race to NBA Publicity Secretary, came to an end on the 9th of June, when Olumide Akpata, NBA President informed NEC sitting in Ilorin that my fate had been sealed by the NBA Election Appeal Committee despite at that time and date, no communication had been transmitted to me by the Appeal committee.

I have looked at my two opponents and like the Cardinals in a Concave, asked myself, if not me, who would I like to vote for? I have met both OgagaEmoghwanre, Esq and Habib Lawal Esq and interacted with the two.
I humbly urge you to support and vote for OgagaEmoghwanre, Esq as the Publicity Secretary of NBA in the next coming NBA Election, he will serve the Bar well. I will make my platforms and resources available to him.

Accept the assurances of my highest professional regards.
©Felix Chukwuma Ashimole, Esq.

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