Felix Chukwuma Ashimole Arrives Ilorin Says Waiting For Appeal Committee’s Decision Will Not Slow Him Down

Felix Chukwuma Ashimole the most popular and leading aspirant for the office of the Publicity Secretary of the NBA, has arrived Ilorin, Kwara state to mingle, interact, consult and lobby members of National Executive Committees (NEC) of the Nigerian Bar Association (NBA)

Felix Chukwuma Ashimole was by a letter dated 20th May 2022 from the Electoral Committee of NBA (ECNBA) for the office of Assistant General Secretary. Mr. Ashimole, applied for and submitted form to ECNBA for the post of Publicity Secretary.

Mr Ashimole, has appealed this erroneous disqualification since 29th of May and is yet to receive any response from the NBA National Office Election Appeal Committee, 11 (Eleven) days after he submitted to his Appeal.

Mr. Ashimole avers that this delay is deliberately orchestrated to slow down his campaign, dampen his spirit and give undue advantage to other candidates in the same race with him.

With JK Gadzama SAN & Ilorin JKites at the airport

While appealing to Bar leaders and well meaning Nigerians to look at the rot and injustice meted out to him, he said that this delay will not slow him down rather it has energized him to keep pushing on to form synergy with like minds across the 125 Branches of NBA to start a movement that will truly digitalize NBA and make sure that best democratic processes are carried out in all affairs of NBA.

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