318 To Vote In NBA Abuja Election

The NBA Abuja Electoral Committee on Tuesday, released interim list of eligible voters to participate in the June 19 Election.

318 voters made it and according to a keen observer of NBA affairs, this is far below expectation of a big branch like NBA Abuja. Another, blamed it on the disunity in the Branch, which has resulted in members not bothering to attend meetings but merely use the Branch to process Stamp and Seal.

Darisu Husain we spoke to, expressed worry at this abysmal number and wondered if the glory had departed from Unity Bar? He said he is dumbfounded because 3 members of Unity Bar; YC Maikyau, Jk Gadzama and Desmond Yamah, are vying for election at NBA national and it is this trickle of voters that they could mobilize?

Chukwuma while said that this 318 voters list, is not the true representation of Unity Bar’s strength, that during national election, a combination of the two factions and other non-barmen lawyers in corporate practice, will restore their bigness to about 9,000 votes. He called on YC Maikyau supporters to go out and fish for these votes.

Entrance into this voters list, was based on the provisions of the Bye Law, particularly attending  5 (Five), in one year preceding the election (March to April) and was compiled based on both physical and virtual attendance registers of the branch meetings which were duly circulated to members before every succeeding monthly meeting.

The Unity Bar Electoral Committee in the Statement, also released contact details for members who, “believes that his/her name has been wrongfully excluded in the List should go to the Branch Secretariat at BLOCK 16, FLAT 2, FDA QUARTERS, KASHIM IBRAHIM WAY, WUSE II, ABUJA, to verify the Meeting Attendance Registers within seven (7) working days of this publication.
Members whose names appear in the List are to confirm their respective email addresses within seven (7) days of this publication.

Any complaint of omission of, or error in the published E- mail Addresses should be reported at the Branch Secretariat or sent to the E-Mail Address of the Electoral Committee: electoralcommittee@nbaunitybar.org for correction.”

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