TPAP-M Condoles TUC On Death Of GS Musa Lawal & TUC Chairman Kwara State

The Peoples Alternative Political Movement (TPAP-M) has expressed its condolences to the the leadership of the TUC; NAC, NEC & CWC, the members of the TUC and all Nigerian workers on the murder of TUC General Secretary, Comrade Musa Lawal and Kwara TUC Chairman by terrorists that attacked Abuja-Kaduna bound train on Monday night.

“Their memory shall continue to spur us on and inspire us to take on more courageously and with greater determination, our collective struggle for the National Liberation of our country from the death grip of imperialism, and the Social Emancipation of the Working Class and Toiling masses from the rapacious clutches of capitalism.” Says  TPAP-M

Below is the full text of the Condolence letter;


Good day Comrade President, we have just heard the sad news about our comrades; the GS and Kwara TUC Chairman being some of the casualties of yesterday’s callous and senseless attack on the Kaduna – Abuja Train by bandits and terrorists enabled in their impunity by the gross incompetence, and deliberate dereliction of duty of an absent government, and a ruinous riling class.

We write to commiserate with you, the leadership of the TUC; NAC, NEC & CWC, the members of the TUC and all Nigerian workers on this sad development, and irreplaceable loss. Please accept our deep and heartfelt condolences, and our Solidarity with the TUC, Nigerian workers and the immediate family of Comrade Musa Lawal and Kwara TUC Chairman on this sad loss.
Their passing shall not be in vein. Their memory shall continue to spur us on and inspire us to take on more courageously and with greater determination, our collective struggle for the National Liberation of our country from the death grip of imperialism, and the Social Emancipation of the Working Class and Toiling masses from the rapacious clutches of capitalism.

The attack on the train, which has cost us the lives of our comrades, and indeed cost the nation the loss of several lives, and caused serious harm and injury to scores more, has happened within the context of endemic insecurity, and proven inability of the state, the government and the ruling class to provision the security of our people.

We are thus very firm in putting the blame for this attack and its consequences on the failure of governance by the ruling class. In this moment of immense sadness for us as a movement, as we have lost some of our own; and for us as a people and nation (one attack too many); we recommit ourselves to the struggle for Transformative Governance, and for the Socialist Transformation of our country. It is obvious that this ruling class cannot protect us, nor can it provision the basic social and welfare needs of our people.

Please be strong, and remain steadfast.
We are with you, in grieve and in sadness, in active struggle, and in the confidence that this too shall pass.
We wish you, the TUC family, all of us, and the immediate families of our fallen Comrades the Fortitude to bear this great loss.

Rest In Power Comrade Musa Lawal! Rest in Power Comrade Akin Akinsola!
Viva TUC!! Viva Nigerian Workers!!!
Viva The Fighting Unity of Our People.

Prof. Omotoye Olorode
Comrade Jae Gaskia

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