Chè Declares Intent To Contest…

Dear distinguished colleague,

I wish you a glorious day as you rest in this holy month of Lent that God has also made it to be the same holy month of Ramadan. In deed humanity is one and difference in choice of worship should not divide us.

Distinguished member of the Bar, I am interested in serving you, via contesting for a national office, in the forthcoming NBA Election. Until ban on open campaign is lifted, I say no more before I am disqualified without even being on the starting bloc. 

Olumide Akpata, Esq NBA President.

I am not starting late. I had to wait first for NBA to amend its constitution to be sure I will be qualified. NBA has done this and filed with CAC.
I am eminently qualified for any post in NBA. See Section 9(3) of the 2015 NBA Constitution As Amended. 

I am not starting late. I firmly believe that NBA election should not be as expensive as it has become over the years.

It became expensive because most aspirants start about a year to election “campaigning”, moving round the country, donating money to branches(during law week), helping colleagues pay BPF and carry out other financial responsibilities of members in the name of creating awareness. To me, this is akin to vote buying, inducing voters with stomach infrastructure.

Against this backdrop, I held myself in check, waiting for the right time.

The right time has come with NBA releasing electoral guidelines.

Felix Ashimole, Esq” Dr. Rapulu Ernest Nduka, has done well, we need to stand on his shoulders and improve,  you will have NBA on your finger tips.”

But since ban on campaign has not being lifted, I say no more other than, I am interested in digitally contributing my quota to serving NBA and you. We cannot criticize all our lives, we must leave the chair, roll up our sleeves and get involved in the evolution of a brand new digital bar.

© Felix.C.Ashimole, Esq.
 (PGD Journalism 2004)
Called to Bar in 2003
Former Welfare Secretary.
Former Member NBA Anti-Corruption Committee.  Former Secretary, NBA Bwari.

One Comment on “Chè Declares Intent To Contest…”

  1. Throwing your hat in the ring is the best to prepare you for the exalted of NBA President at next election.


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