Promise Wobo Iwezor Reflects On Nigeria At 63

It has been a torturous long walk since 63 years ago we got independence. There had been ups and down but we withstood the storms and forged ahead towards building a nation that we can bequeath to the next generation.
As Nigeria celebrates her independence today, it is my fervent prayer that we reflect on how to strengthen our bonds than dwell on skirmishes that tend to divide us.
We may not have gotten to the designation foresaw by the nationalists that fought for independence but we are making steady steps despite the rough challenging routes to nationhood.I wish Nigerians, particularly lawyers, who are playing pivotal roles in sustaining democracy in Nigeria, not to relent but remain steadfast, in upholding the rule of law, hold the government to account and above all, like Caesar’s wife, live above board in all our dealings with clients.
Let me once again, congratulate us for weathering these torturous years of seed sowing. I am confident that with our daily sacrifices and upholding the tenets of democracy, a New Nigeria, will arise from our tears, that our children and the next generation, will be proud of.
©️Promise Wobo Iwezor, Esq.

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