Yenagoa was NBA Chairman’s Speech Delivered At The Monthly Meeting Held On 27th of September, 2023.

Learned Silks, seniors and distinguished colleagues,
1. On behalf of the Executive Committee, I welcome everyone to this meeting, which is the first to be held after the Annual General Conference (AGC) of the Nigerian Bar Association held in Abuja.
2. I note that the participation of members at the AGC was minimal on account of the activities lined up for the burial of our former Chief Judge.
I thank members for the sacrifice and the participation in ensuring that we accorded the Hon. Justice Kate Abiri, a befitting burial. May the soul of My Lord continue to find rest in the bosom of the Jesus Christ. Amen.
3.At the AGC, the banner of the NBA Yenagoa was flown high to an altitude that it had never reached. Our members distinguished themselves in the sports category; our own T. G. Woko, Esq clinched the gold medal in the Scrabble Tournament and the NBA Yenagoa FC were first runner-up in the football tournament.
4. These feats by our colleagues, have brought not only joy to members of the Branch, but also pride and honor to the Branch. In this meeting, we shall honor and appreciate these colleagues who distinguished themselves and brought honor to the Branch.
5. For the Football team, the journey to Abuja was fraught with challenges and I must commend the tenacity, doggedness and determination of the team to brave the odds and fight for the badge of the Branch.
From the Coach, our own P. O. Ogun-who was selfless and demonstrated what it means to be a Barman, to the Social Secretary, Victor Gbefa, leadership of the team led by Emmanuel Robert, Daniel Appah, players, the nurses and even the supporters, such as Boma Miebai.
I would think the biggest cheer leader of the team was the immediate past Chairman, U. Saiyou, Esq. Not forgetting those who contributed financially to the success of the team.
6. The Executive Committee has constituted the membership of the Committees of the Branch. While, it is only ten persons who are elected by members, our Bye-law envisages the inclusion of members to serve the Branch through committees.

Felix Ashimole, Esq., co-publisher of

7. I want to congratulate all those who have been appointed and charge that this comes with enormous responsibilities. Your success in your assignment is the success of the Bar. The Bar depends on you. The committees are the legs on which the Branch would run. We have also been deliberate in appointing young lawyers to inculcate the spirit of service to the Bar and benefit from fresh ideas which they would churn out.
8. Let me state that the Executive Committee would continue to monitor and oversight the various committees.
The Committees are expected to give written reports of their activities to the Branch at every monthly meeting.
9. There are still Committees which are yet to be constituted and more members would be given the opportunity to serve. This is an assurance which I give to everyone.
10. We have noted the challenges by members in navigating through the labyrinth of the e-filing platform for matters in the High Court. We have opened communication with the ICT department and would be holding a TownHall meeting soon. Members are urged to make themselves available when the date is announced.
Technology is the way to go and we can all work together to surmount the present challenges to help in effective service delivery.
11. In keeping with our promises for financial accountability, we would at this meeting render financial statement of the accounts of the Branch for the months of July to the 20th of September, 2023. We have seen our finances increase and this can be attributed to one word; sacrifice.
12. Service to the Bar is a call to sacrifice. The Bar is built on sacrifice of members. It is nurtured by sacrifice and sustained by sacrifice.
A lawyer, who seeks pecuniary and other personal benefits to himself, because he has been tasked with undertaking an assignment on behalf of the Bar, is not a BARMAN.
13. Dear colleagues,
let us follow the example of our worthy seniors who have sacrificed for this Bar to grow without any personal benefit accruing to them.
If the efforts of these Barmen seem distant, we have a contemporary example in P. O.Ogun, Esq. When asked to fill in as coach of our football team, Senior Ogun obliged without conditions or remuneration. He gave his time, efforts and resources.
14. Times without number, Mr. Ogun gave money to the team to motivate them. He paid his transport to Abuja, paid for his accommodation and took care of his other logistics from his pocket. This is a fitting example of a true Barman.
15. Thank you Senior Ogun and all BARMEN. We would continue to follow the pathway, which you have trudged on.
16. We are at the cusp of the commencement of campaigns by the political parties for the Governorship elections in Bayelsa State. We therefore urge the political parties to abide strictly by the provisions of the Electoral Act. Campaign activities and rhetorics should be conducted within the bounds of the law and decency.

17. The duty of the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) is not limited to the conduct of elections on the date fixed for election, it extends to supervising the manner in which campaigns are conducted.
We would therefore appeal for the equal access to public facilities and use of media by all political parties, subject to the fulfillment of the conditions for the use.
18. The NBA would partner with INEC in ensuring that the elections are free, fair and credible. We would meet with the new Resident Electoral Commissioner in this regard.
The right to vote and have votes counted is not a privilege, it is an inalienable right in a democracy. And Bayelsa State will not be an exception.
19. There are reports of rising floods and there are fears that Bayelsa State could be affected. We call on Governments both at the State and Local Government levels to urgently take proactive steps to cushion the effect.
We note that water channels are being desilted and drainages cleared. We urge that arrangements be made to provide succor for the poor and vulnerable. There should be enhanced communication by the Government to create awareness amongst the citizenry.
20. In Abuja, during one of the courtesy visits we embarked on, we enjoined the Federal Government to intervene with respect to the issue of flood in Bayelsa State. The people in Bayelsa State are Nigerians; they ought to be protected and provided succour by the Federal Government.
21. The leadership of the Bar would engage with the State Government on the steps to be taken with respect to the impending flood.
22. In this meeting, the highly revered jurist of incandescent intelligence, the Hon. Justice Raphael Ajuwa would present a paper that would be beneficial to all.
We want to thank My Lord for accommodating us despite the very busy schedule and constraints of judicial time.
Learned Colleagues, thank you for your time.
God bless the NBA
©️Somina Johnbull, Esq.
CNBA, Yenagoa Branch

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