Erisco Foods: Dim-Udebuani Crosses Sword With Inibehe Effiong On Chioma Egodi’s Apology


The Principal partner of Dim-Udebuani & Co. Agam- Agamebu Chambers has described as a concoction and absolutely falsehood of the highest magnitude the unfunded and frivolous allegation that the apology letter written by his wife was not voluntarily made.
He also cautioned Lawyers like Effiong to always verify there facts on any issue before going to the public as ministers in the temple of justice.
He also reminds the likes of Effiong that being a human right activist does not mean that one will be speaking in a matter he only heard from one side as a trained lawyer who is in tune with the principle of “audi alteram partem” simply means to hear from the other side.
Agams KSJI further said that he and other members of the bar such as Opara Maxwell, Ifesimen Jude and a good number of other activist here in Abuja knows how dangerous it is to believe whatever a client says without personally confronting the situation at the police.
Agams gave this insight because he and other colleagues were at the IGP Monitoring Unit on that fateful day to see the Head of the IGP Monitoring Unit to express their profound gratitude for the way and manner his office is handling the case that involves his client and the professionalism exhibited by the officers led by CSP Oliver Odimega is second to non.Sir Agams KSJI further state categorically and emphatically that he was inside the same interrogation room when Mrs. Egodi was writing the apology letter voluntarily without any coercion or any vitiating element known to law.
He also pretended that he doesn’t know the parties whereas he is from the same Nnewi with them and in fact Mr.Dozie Ikedife Jnr.the APC aspirant in Anambra State that co-signed the apology letter was present at the IGP Monitoring Unit and wonder why a Lawyer who was not at the police state will come on National television to be misrepresenting the fact .
With every sense of responsibility, I admit that some of our police men and women are not doing well,but of course they are product of Nigeria state. We should not condenm the institution but rather single those bad eggs out no matter Highly place with instrumentality of law.
For instance, our client, Mr. Anayo Augustine Okpalanwa was detained from 12th day of July 2023 to 28th day of July 2023 by AIG Mohammed Ali Ari of Zone 2, Lagos over a shipments from Italy which he cleared with Bill of lading from the shipper.Barr. Muotuanya who is following this case in Lagos became tired, I never went on air to give information that I was told. I booked a flight went to Lagos and met the AIG Zone 2 himself to have first hand information about all the things he told me. After confirming strong bias and compromise, I put up a petition to IGP dated 8th day of August 2023 and my last paragraph read”
The NPFNCCC has even among other investigation activities taken steps through interpol to contact the shipper in Italy who amended the BILL OF LADING and also issued letter of indemnity all in the bid to unravel the mystery surrounding the transaction. In order to sustain the tempo, the IGP is profoundly prayed to direct the Cyber crime Centre to harmonize, consolidate and conclude all other investigations being conducted by other commands in this subject matter . This will reduce wastages associated with multiple investigation and aid the IGP decision in that regards”
The IGP approval this petition on the 11th day of August 2023 in his reference number CB:7000/IGP.SEC/ABJ/VOL.642/154 addressed to DIG D, FCID and attentioned NPF- NCCC.
It may interest you to know that AIG Zone 2, Mr. Mohammed Ali Ari refused to comply with this directive and send back the officer without the case file.We have no option than to approach FCT High Court and got an order in a fundamental right Enforcement complying him to obey the directive of IGP and the court also declared that arrest of our client is unlawful please find attach the judgment and we have perfected plans to sue Mr. Mohammed Ali Ari personally for N2,000,000,000.00(Two billion Naira) damages at the Federal High Court.
I, therefore wish to sincerely inform the General public that we are in a decent and Constitutional democracy where the rule of law is supreme and not media sensation.

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