Cuba & Friends Of Cuba Celebrate National Rebellion Day

National Rebellion Day in Cuba, takes place on July 26 in honor of the movement launched by Cuban rebel leader and former prime minister Fidel Castro.
The day is marked with a traditional rally that stretches from the Moncada Barracks in Santiago to the city’s center. Thousands gather to lay wreaths for the martyrs and pledge to uphold the ideas of the revolution.
Cubans observe National Rebellion Day to commemorate the historic assault on Moncada on July 26, 1953.On this day, Fidel Castro, accompanied by 136 insurgents, laid siege to the iconic military unit in Santiago de Cuba. For the first time, the voice of the masses took center stage to reject the unjust United States–sanctioned coup engineered by dictator Fulgencio Batista.
The uprising sent a clear message through the streets of Cuba’s capital and rang loudly in the ears of the imperialist powers that hoarded resources and created an unstable economy for common Cubans.
The failed events of July 26 sparked a fire that could not be tamed. National Rebellion Day recognizes the importance of the revolution and the way it ended the external imperialist control of Cuban resources and the workforce.
A rally is organized annually, featuring traditional Cuban music, enthralling dances, and a dazzling display of the nation’s culture. Millions of Cubans connect through social media, and artwork reflecting the historic actions of rebels is shared online.

Miguel Díaz-Canel, President of Cuba.

In addition, Cuban leaders call on the citizens to uphold the ideals of former Prime Minister Fidel Castro and national hero José Martí. Parents share the legend of the revolution, and cities and towns are lit up in the Cuban colors of red, white, and blue.

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