Good day Learned Silks, Life Benchers, Distinguished Senior Colleagues and Colleagues.
My name is Christian Magani Wanche, I am the Principal Partner of Unicorn Legal Consult, a full service law firm established in 2019. It gives me great honor and privilege to formally inform the great members of our esteemed branch who have become family to me of my intention to vie for the position of Secretary of the branch. I, have over the years actively worked closely with successive Executives of the Branch to ensure continuity of good and quality leadership of our dear Branch. Needless to say, that I have served as Secretary of YLF of our Branch and currently serving as the YLF Chairman as well as Secretary Disciplinary Committee of our Branch.
My first commitment is to build a robust and vibrant secretariat that regularly communicates with members and ensure updated database to enable every member receive circulars, correspondences and reports via emails, SMS and on our WhatsApp Platform.
The huge importance of the secretariat of any association or organization cannot be over-emphasized, particularly for an association of lawyers like ours.
The secretariat is the life blood, the engine room of any association and this underlines why it has to be well run and manned by a capable, competent, trusted and well experienced person.
Our secretariat should be capable of delivering quality services to our members.
Finally, I intend to work purposefully with the Chairman and all other members of the executive committee to deliver our programs to our members.
Our members must continue to feel positive impact from the branch. They should be able to boast with good reasons that they are members of the NBA, Keffi.
Therefore, I most respectfully seek your support and votes to be the next Secretary of the Branch.
Long live NBA Keffi Branch.
Long live Nigerian Bar Association.
Thank you all
NBA Keffi: Christian Magani Wanche Declares Intent.