Past Chairmen, Young Lawyers Forum, Benue Bar: Congratulatory Message to President-Elect, NBA.

Following our endorsement of your candidacy on the 3rd day of July, 2024, we the undersigned, hereby offer our congratulations to you on your emergence as the President-Elect, Nigerian Bar Association, after your overwhelming victory at the polls held on the 20th day of July, 2024. By virtue of your personality and antecedents in the Nigerian Bar, you were primus inter pares amongst the array of candidates in the race, thus, we are elated that in our little bit, our support has yielded victory.
The road has been long, but it has been a long time coming: now it is time to bring forth the Proactive Bar we know that is achievable under your leadership of what is unequivocally the largest Bar in Africa, for we are confident that at the end of the journey, you, like Julius Ceaser at the Rubicon, can confidently declare: Veni! Vidi! Vincit! Congratulations, Mr. President-Elect, NBA.
SIGNED:T.D. Sorkaa, Esq. Past Chairman, Young Lawyers Forum, NBA Makurdi Branch,2009.
F.T. Ajebe, Esq.
Past Chairman,
Young Lawyers Forum,
NBA Makurdi Branch,
B. A. Iorheghem, Esq.  
Past Chairman,
Young Lawyers Forum,
NBA Makurdi Branch,
Nguemo Uja, Esq.  
Past Chairman,
Young Lawyers Forum,
NBA Makurdi Branch,
F.T. Kusugh, Esq.  
Past Chairman,
Young Lawyers Forum,
NBA Makurdi Branch,
S.U. Akoh, Esq.  
Past Chairman,
Young Lawyers Forum,
NBA Makurdi Branch,
2016.T.M. Nule, Esq.  
Past Chairman,
Young Lawyers Forum,
NBA Makurdi Branch,
Alabar Msughter, Esq.  
Past Chairman,
Young Lawyers Forum,
NBA Gboko Branch,
A.J. Abba, Esq.  
Past Chairman,
Young Lawyers Forum,
NBA Otukpo Branch,
A.D. Obande, Esq.  
Past Chairman,
Young Lawyers Forum,
NBA Otukpo Branch,
V.S. Asen, Esq.  
Past Chairman,
Young Lawyers Forum,
NBA Makurdi Branch,
J.T. Mkar, Esq.  
Past Chairman,
Young Lawyers Forum,
NBA Gboko Branch,

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