NBA 2024 Election: Chukwuka Ikwuazom, SAN Throws In The Towel

16 hours into voting at the ongoing 2024 Election, Chukwuka Ikwuazom SAN, has thrown in the towel, short of accusing ECNBA of manipulation stated, “It would appear that the system has been manipulated to favour a predetermined outcome, consistently placing me in third position. “
His withdrawal letter from the race, published in many NBA/Lawyers friendly platforms read,
Dear Esteemed Members of the Nigerian Bar Association,
Chukwuka  Ikwuazom, SAN: Withdrawal from NBA Presidential Election.
It is with a heavy heart that I, Chukwuka Ikwuazom, SAN, announce my decision to withdraw from the 2024 Nigerian Bar Association (NBA) Presidential race.
This decision has not been made lightly but is necessitated by a series of alarming developments that have compromised the integrity of the electoral process.Since the commencement of voting earlier today, my supporters and I have observed disturbing patterns that do not align with the actual votes cast. It has become increasingly evident that the integrity of the electoral process has been compromised.
Despite the overwhelming support from my dedicated supporters, the reported figures do not align with the true expression of our votes. It
would appear that the system has been manipulated to favour a predetermined outcome, consistently placing me in third position.

Mazi Afam Josiah Osigwe, SAN, has maintained an unassailable lead since voting started at 12 midnight.

As a candidate committed to upholding transparency and the rule of law, I cannot in good conscience continue to participate in a compromised electoral process. Therefore, I am withdrawing from the presidential race effective immediately.
While today marks a somber moment for our bar, let us remain resolute in our commitment to upholding the principles of justice, fairness, and integrity within our noble profession.
Together, we must continue to strive for a bar association that is free from manipulation and true to the aspirations of its members.
I urge all my supporters and well-wishers to stand down from further participation in the election process and to cease all monitoring activities. Let us maintain unity and vigilance as we navigate this challenging period for our beloved association.
In closing, I reiterate my profound appreciation to each and every one of you who believed in our cause and who stood steadfastly by my side throughout this campaign. Your unwavering dedication and belief in our shared vision for a stronger, more independent Nigerian Bar Association have been truly inspiring. Let us continue to work tirelessly towards a brighter future for the Nigerian Bar Association.
Yours faithfully,Chukwuka Ikwuazom, SAN

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