PST. YLF Chairmen Benue State Endorses Mazi Afam Osigwe, SAN

We the Past Chairmen of Young Lawyers Forum comprising; NBA Makurdi Branch, NBA Gboko Branch and NBA Otukpo Branch all of Benue State, after a detailed scrutiny of the three (3) candidates for the forthcoming Presidential Elections of NBA on 20/07/2024, having looked at the sterling leadership qualities exhibited by Mazi Afam Josiah Osigwe, SAN over the years from 2010 till date, which includes the introduction of seal, adoption of the universal suffrage in NBA Elections and commissioning of the NBA Secretariat, Abuja during his tenure as the General Secretary, NBA from 2014-2016 under the Augustine Alegeh, SAN led administration amongst a host of other innovative programmes in different capacities of service to the NBA and Nigeria hereby throw our weight and support for Mazi Afam Josiah Osigwe, SAN.Moreover, It is clear that Mazi Afam Josiah Osigwe, SAN is the best man who the Cap fits for the position of President, NBA in the forthcoming NBA elections on 20/07/2024.
Therefore, we hereby collectively endorse Mazi Afam Josiah Osigwe, SAN for the office of President, NBA; 2024-2026 and urge all members of the NBA in Nigeria who are eligible to vote to cast their votes on 20/07/2024 for a man who has the requisite experience for a Proactive Bar.T.D. Sorkaa, Esq.
Past Chairman,
Young Lawyers Forum,
NBA Makurdi Branch,
•F.T. Ajebe, Esq.
Past Chairman,
Young Lawyers Forum,
NBA Makurdi Branch,
Barnabas A. Iorheghem, Esq.
Past Chairman,
Young Lawyers Forum,
NBA Makurdi Branch,
Nguemo Uja, Esq.  
Past Chairman,
Young Lawyers Forum,
NBA Makurdi Branch,
2011-2012. F.T. Kusugh, Esq.
Past Chairman,
Young Lawyers Forum,
NBA Makurdi Branch,
S.U. Akoh, Esq.
Past Chairman,
Young Lawyers Forum,
NBA Makurdi Branch,
T.M. Nule, Esq.  
Past Chairman,
Young Lawyers Forum,
NBA Makurdi Branch,
2017-2019Alabar Msughter, Esq.
Past Chairman,
Young Lawyers Forum,
NBA Gboko Branch,
A.J. Abba, Esq.
Past Chairman,
Young Lawyers Forum,
NBA Otukpo Branch,
A.D. Obande, Esq.
Past Chairman,
Young Lawyers Forum,
NBA Otukpo Branch,

Mazi Afam Osigwe, SAN.

V.S. Asen, Esq.
Past Chairman,
Young Lawyers Forum,
NBA Makurdi Branch,
J.T. Mkar, Esq.
Past Chairman,
Young Lawyers Forum,
NBA Gboko Branch,

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