NBA Decides 2024 & Campaign Of Calumny

Ladies and Gentlemen,
As we approach this critical period in our election cycle, We have decided to address an issue that threatens the very foundation of our democratic process: the campaign of calumny and denigration.
We are very much aware of efforts by a candidate to demarket Mazi Afam Osigwe, SAN asking people not to vote for him because he (Afam) did not adopt him (the candidate engaging on this campaign).

Mazi Afam Osigwe, SAN.

In the heat of political competition, it can be all too tempting to resort to tactics that undermine, belittle, or misrepresent our opponents.
However, we implore us to rise above such methods.
Our democracy thrives on informed choice, mutual respect, and the free exchange of ideas.
This is even more so when it is realized that we are learned minds, capable of making informed decisions, different from the ‘my leader has spoken’ kind of politics we see in the outside world.
When we allow ourselves to be drawn into a campaign of slander and character assassination, we do a disservice not only to our opponents but to the electorate and to the principles we claim to uphold.
It is vital that we maintain the integrity of our discourse and focus on the issues that truly matter to our communities. Let us campaign for the positions we have obtained nominations for and leave other positions to others.We call upon all candidates, supporters, and citizens to resist the allure of negative campaigning.
Let us commit to a higher standard of conduct, one that reflects the best of our values and the aspirations we hold for our society. Let us engage in honest, respectful dialogue and let the strength of our ideas and the merit of our plans be the measure of our worth.
Together, we can ensure that this election is remembered not for its rancour and division, but for its integrity and the positive vision it sets forth for our future.
Thank you.
Mazi Afam Osigwe, SAN Ilorin Support Group.

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