Kelvin Kumater Iorzenda and Ogizi Joseph Valentine slugged it out for the post of Secretary of the Branch.
The duo went into the contest, lobbying for votes from 153 eligible voters.
Kelvin won 73 against Ogizis 64.
Joel Aondohemba Tagher, was disqualified for the post of Ass. Sec. In line with the Uniform NBA Constitution, a bye election will be conducted to fill in the post or the new Exco will be compelled by the General Meeting of the Branch, to co-opt a member to fill the position of Assistant Secretary.
At close of nomination and screening, the under-listed, emerged, as they were unopposed:
•Terna Johnson Yaji-Chairman.
•Jane Otor—-Vice Chairman.
•Gideon Bulus Dandi—Fin. Sec.•Awashima Marietta Addigi—Treasurer.
•Tijah Emmanuella—Social Sec.
•Blessing Eyibio—-Publicity Sec. •Paul T. Nyigba—Welfare Sec. •Paul Okpenyike Onah—-Provost.
Mazi Afam Osigwe, SAN congratulates Terna Johnson Yaji and newly Exco-elect.
He urges them to ensure that lawyers adhere to the provisions of the Renumeration Order, whose provision of religiously followed and lawyers peer reviewing each other, will enrich lawyers more than any minimum wage that most firms can’t pay.