NBA Aguata Mourns

We, the family of late Barr. Ignay Abunike Umennabude of Umunocha-Awalasi, Uga in Aguata Local Government Area of Anambra State, announce with deep sorrow the passing of our beloved Husband, rather, Son, Uncle, Brother, Grandfather, and In-law, NZE IFEUWABUNIKE, aged 75 years.

Thursday, 9th May 2024:  
10 am: Special Court Session at Ekwulobia High Court, Anambra State.
4 pm: Vigil Mass at his compound in Uga town, Aguata L.G.A, Anambra State.
Friday, 10th May 2024:  
6 am: The body leaves Regina Caeli Mortuary, Awka, for his hometown, Uga, for lying in state.
10 am: Burial Mass at Immaculate Heart Catholic Parish, Uga, followed by interment.
12 pm: Condolence visits by in-laws, friends, well-wishers, and other funeral rites continue.
Sunday, 12th May 2024:
10 am: Outing service at Immaculate Heart Catholic Parish, Uga.
For the family. 

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