Apologies to Sonny Okosun, for the use of his song, Papa’s Land. A great song sang during the liberation struggle in South Africa, to rid her of oppressive colonial apartheid.
In NBA, particularly after the 2023 AGM, a lot of rumbles have been taking place, with ballistic missiles hauled from every quarter at the NBA. With the recent order to register Law Society of Nigeria, NBA must be careful how she defends these attacks as there are lots of lawyers, waiting for an implosion, so that they can conduct a Requiem Mass for NBA and move to new “Heaven.”
Ahead of today’s NBA NEC Meeting holden in Jos, the capital of Plateau State, aggrieved members of SPIDEL have activated one ballistic missile by suing the Registered Trustee of NBA, the NBA President and the NBA General Secretary.
Being aware that the Plaintiffs are akin to the proverbial voice of Jacob and hairy hand of Easu, I will not dwell on them but on the rough road that brought us this sorry bus stop where a Section of NBA, will sue NBA.

Before these suits, one in Lagos High Court and another in Delta State High Court, SPIDEL had made heavy weather that it is independent and not subject to oversight by the NBA President pending NEC deliberations and resolution as per the crux of the thorny matter.
SPIDEL carrying out its NBA Constitution assigned roles, had sued some Government Agencies, challenging their conducts.
This did not go down well with the NBA President who countered that SPIDEL sued without consulting him as the NBA President or joining the Registered Trustees of NBA as parties.
Letters, accusations and counter missiles were cross-fired and lawyers, looked forward to Jos NEC, to put to rest this thorny issue of how autonomous is SPIDEL.
The court cases by members of SPIDEL, though their rights to seek judicial interpretation, is seen by legal pundits as attempt to prevent NEC from wobbling into the matter. Some opine that, it was an internal family matter that elders of the Bar would have handled without SPIDEL taking a last minute 60 meters dash from Lagos High Court to Delta High Court, to shop for a friendly Judge that will gag NBA President and rumple NEC.
Sub-judice, Contempt of Court, fair hearing, are expected to be trendy lexicon once the issue of SPIDEL Vs. NBA President is mentioned at NEC.
But if SPIDEL is truly independent and autonomous, why try to use the courts to gag NBA that it claims has no rights over how it conducts its affairs?
Will SPIDEL in court, be allowed to present report to NEC?
Can NEC discuss SPIDEL without ratifying the actions taken by NBA President?In this instant situation, what would be status quo? SPIDEL activities stand suspended as proscribed by NBA President before SPIDEL went to court?Lawyers attending NEC or as I heard, those who attended meeting before NEC Meeting at ungodly hours, have been chewing their books on how to navigate this storm and save NBA from ridicule.
Before NBA, is the Devil’s Alternative (apologies to Fredrick Foresight). The undertaker dressed in LSN hood, is hovering, casting shadows of doom on NBA.
One thing is clear, with SPIDEL going to court, it has agreed that it has no absolute independence or autonomy but bound by the provisions of the NBA Constitution.
The Constitution is not operated by ghosts but by the NBA President, whose office, is primus inter pares when juxtaposed other NBA Officers, Section of Heads inclusive.