Reasoning Female Genital Mutilation

As the world marks the International Day of Zero Tolerance for Female Genital Mutilation today 6th February, it is important to note that the menace has become a surgical nightmare to both the survivors as well as women and young girls that this dastardly act is practiced in their communities. Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) is the traditional harmful practice that involves the partial or total removal of external female genitalia or other injury to female genital organs for non-medical reasons.
It is pertinent to note that statistics has shown that more than 200million girls and women alive today have undergone female genital mutilation in the countries where the harmful act is practiced. The majority of the survivors are cut before they turn 15 years old. It is also important to note that FGM has no health benefits rather it can lead to immediate and long term health risks. It also leads to complications to women’s physical, mental as well as sexual health and well being.The practice of FGM is recognised internationally as a violation of human rights of girls and women as well as the violation of children’s right. It is important to note that the practice of FGM is an extreme form of gender discrimination.
FGM is still widely practiced in Nigeria hence the need for continued sensitisation and advocacy, survivors and SGD advocates should continue to advocate for the total eradication of the menace, through religious and traditional leaders as well as political representatives.
This year’s theme for the day is “Her Voice: Her Future” it is apt and speaks to the need for the voice of survivors to be heard in order to eradicate this act.
Let me also note as an advocate of FGM that the health implications of this menace is enormous and it ranges from severe pain, bleeding and can also lead to death.
Importantly, all hands must be on deck to end this dastardly act by 2030 as set in the SDG Goals of eliminating female genital mutilation by 2030. ©️Adefowoke Ayo-Ponle

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