Over Ambitious Campaign Promises Responsible For Leadership Crisis In NBA

These are perilous times in NBA and everyone wants to be woke and be on the side of the mob. But I dare to bell the cat at the risk of being labeled all sorts. But I have worn a helmet and like Azuanuka, all will wash off like water on the back of a duck.
The major problem, why officers of the Bar clash with Mr. President at the national level and Chairman at local level, is simple.
During electioneering and campaigning to get to office, most candidates promise what is not within their constitutionally defined roles. I was deeply involved in the campaign train that berthed this Exco and I had the privilege of campaigning with them.
Most of them made promises they can’t deliver as they are not constitutionally allowed to do so. While campaigning last year,

Felix Ashimole, co-publisher of Kubwaexpress, welcomes you to 2023 NBA AGC, holding in Abuja.

I maintained and promised all who listened to me that I have only one agenda, to serve NBA through whosoever emerged as NBA President in accordance with duties of the Publicity Secretary as contained in NBA Constitution. I still stand by this; no officer can excel without the nodding of Mr. President.
I urge you to pick any of their manifesto and re-read. All in those manifesto can only be done under the directive of Mr. President.
I am tempted to mention a few. How can an officer give NBA Micro-Finance Bank? Others outrightly made promises short of overthrowing NBA President if elected.
Sounding radical and revolutionary the electorate were excited and refused to ask, how can they achieve these without working hand in glove with the President?
They forget one of the 48 laws of power; Never Outshine Your Master. Yes, they are all equal but NBA Constitution makes Mr. President primus inter peers and the only spokesperson of NBA. Most officers, want to be allowed to run amok and address the press on any political trending issues without first seeking to know NBA’s position.
The rancorous relationship between President, Chairmen and elected officers, will be tamed, if all campaign and make promises within the strict definition of his or her constitutionally enshrined roles for the office they seek.
NBA is a professional association and not a stepping stone or F-1 race care to launch you into prime pole of nominal party politics.

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