Before we throw away the baby with the bath water, let me point out my own takeaway from the AGM of 31st August 2021.
I will not join those calling for EFCC to be involved in NBA affairs again. They were involved after the 2018 national election of NBA on issues of identity theft etc.
I am inclined to the school of thought that has been shouting, “physician heal thyself.”
The revelations by the national officers and counter by the NBA President, is a clear irrefutable fact that NBA needs a wholistic reform. Unfortunately, like the Roman mob, AGM, refused to see the wisdom in Oracle’s call for a Committee to be set up. There won’t be any AGM again till August next year and within this long winter, we are at the mercy of the wounded NBA President. Who will checkmate him? NEC? When Chairmen of Branches are also being accused of the same thing?
Where do we go from here beside ranting on social media and further soiling our image? Could clause by clause consideration of the proposed constitutional amendment have saved us?
Branch chairmen, who couldn’t speak up, are now lamenting that 20% remittance has gone and the existing 10% is a drop in the ocean.
I humbly suggest that Branches at their monthly meeting, should start local reforms until next AGM. These reforms, should include checking the relationship between their Chairmen and elected officers. Are their Chairmen local mini-Sani Abacha? Are other officers over ambitious and leading mutiny to disrespect and usurp the constitutional duties of the Chairman?
Furthermore, they should also hold NEC accountable and force NEC to truly be NEC and not appendix of the Executive Council.
AGM: Beyond The Uproar, A Need For Reform