The verdict out here is that this Conference is the best so far.
I have my reservations but the people have excitedly spoken. I still ask for caution but they accuse me of bad belly.You see, over 80% of lawyers that come for AGC, are not interested in anything other than getting their conference materials-emotional and materially.
Once these are gotten with ease, the rest can go to hell.
Another ace, abi na last card before check-up, is make the Opening Ceremony a carnival. Yes. This over 80%, wants to snap pictures, post on social media and zoom, off they go to alcohol and “conference material” sharing spree.
I had disagreed with YC Maikyau’s choice of MKO Stadium and other things but lawyers are happy with the security, the space and above all, the peace of mind. But there are still a 20%, who is not happy. They over hype the minor shortcomings and with a microscope, they go about snooping for faults. Yes, this 20%, are mostly people with grudges to grind on the honing stone of YC’s head.
Early in the morning of the Opening Ceremony, members of the Conference Planning Committee, YC’s aides, where everywhere like demon possessed colony of ants, to make sure that all works like clock work.
The shuttle from the gate to , is a master stroke and talk of many beer joints I visited inside Mammy Market. But things cost inside this Mammy oh!
AGC Opening Ceremony Verdict