The Annual General Conference of the Nigerian Bar Association comes with a load of expectations bearing in mind the captivating theme for the year- Getting it Right.The theme calls for a deeper reflections of burning issues agitating the minds of different sets of persons, professionals, traders, politicians, and the entire citizenry on the path that we toed that was wrong. The theme offers our nation a new hope as it is not too late to get right.
To narrow it down to our primary constituency, we cannot get it right, if the ethics of the profession are not reinforced and internalized by those who represent the future of the Bar. The future of the Bar are our colleagues within the call age of 1-10. This generation are fresh from the Law School, and are highly ambitious to carve a niche. Ambition is a propeller to greatness, and it is in itself a good desire, without which, excellence in practice may not be attain.However, it is also very important these young ones are properly mentored on the right steps to take to get it right in this profession. In carving a nitch for oneself, certain virtue must remain deeply seated in our minds to wit;
1.In setting a goal, consider where you would want to be in about 12 years of your practice. Would you want to practice law in full time, go in-house and elect other options depending on the career path you have chosen for yourself.?
2.Professional Ethics & Respect For Colleagues: At the core of achieving excellence in this profession lies the underlying factor of professional ethics and respect for colleagues. If you want to see very far, there are certain shoulders you cannot ignore to climb. I urge our colleagues to imbibe this virtue as a factor that will propell them faster and further in practice.
3.Respect to the Court: An excellent advocate is the one who understand the mind of the Court, and cherished the hallowed respect commanded by the court. In making submission before any court, no matter the hierarchy, it must be done in respect and reverence. A good advocate is the one who treats the court with reverence.
4.Patience, Dedication and Shun Get Rich Quick Scheme: No better path to greatness than imbibing the virtue of patience, hard work, and dedication. Those whom we consider as legend in the practice of law today, dead or alive, did imbibe this virtue to rise to fame. No one gets to the hall of fame without these virtue.
5.Nigerian Bar Association: In our desires to connect with national assignment or leadership, it is important for young lawyers to continue to desire to participate in all its activities both at the National and Branch levels thereby creating an Avenue to interact with other colleges in order to hone your leadership skills.
On the whole, I welcome all of us to the Capital City of Abuja to this year ‘s Annual General Conference.I invite you to actively participate in all the activities slated for each day in order to maximize your experience in this conference. I look forward to connecting with you in venues slated for activities.
You are welcome.