EBF Leadership Visits O.C.J. Okocha SAN

The  leadership of the Eastern Bar Forum as represented by the Deputy Governor, Alamina Walton Selema Esq; immediate past Governor, S. Long Williams Esq.; Dr. Peter Ayogu, Tamunosiki Akuro Roberts Esq. Chairman NBA Okrika Branch, Gideon S. C. Elendu Esq. former Secretary, NBA Omoku Branch and Margaret Alali of NBA Ahoada Branch paid a courtesy visit to the leader of the Bar, the Lion of Port Harcourt and Life Bencher, Hon. Chief Onueze Chukwujinka Joe Okocha OFR, SAN DSSRS, JP in further commemoration of his 70th birthday anniversary.
The Eastern Bar Forum wish our leader O.C.J. a happy birthday and more prosperous and peaceful years ahead.

I, Chief Felix Ashimole, Esq., Oyinatumba 1 of Azara-Ubo, Ofuji Obodo Abua Na Ebu, join the leadership of EBF to pray for long life to our leader, the Oracle, OCJ Okocha, SAN.

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