Street Journalist 101

Dear Street Journalist,
Learn how to be safe while capturing events around your environment.
Police brutality and murder of journalists are real and still thriving in Nigeria. Guns had been aimed at me; I have been spat at for making video of a policeman collecting bribe at Mile 2-FESTAC bridge Lagos; soldiers at Karu-Abacha barracks road Abuja, had at gunpoint robbed me, confiscated my phone (later released it but took my AK-47 pendant) My family had been threatened, my children called bastards; I have been removed from countless Social Media groups, because of my street journalistic publications.
I survived.   But at the rate street journalists are reporting police brutality, I am moved to caution you all.
Social media is a maze and a lot of stories do not get told or get to go viral.
Don’t go chasing clout, to be the first to break a news and run into trouble.
Police and Nigerian Army personnel at checkpoints, are still trigger happy and if they kill you, the story that would be read, is your death and not the atrocities they were committing that you wanted to report.   So now that with a smart phone, we all are Street Journalists, without any Editor to moderate what we publish-words, images and video, I direct you to studies done by others on how to report from a hostile environment and leave to tell the story.
If you have chosen this life or it chose you, better arm yourself with knowledge that is essential to your survival.
For further reading,


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