I, Felix Chukwuma Ashimole, heartily with warmth, felicitate E.C.Okoro Esq., NBA Onitsha Young Lawyers Forum Chairman & the entire members of YLF, not forgetting the Senior lawyers, in the successful ongoing colloquium to find how to acquire new skills in arbitration.
Henry O.L. Nzute, LOC Chairman & his team of well coordinated volunteers, have shown propensity to excel in any further task or service in the Branch. Gentlemen I am impressed with you all and urge other YLF, to come to you for tutorial.
I am also aware that the program continues on Saturday with health work. I only humbly suggest that you make the walk, elders friendly and not too energetic as some of us have crossed into the golden side of life.
I wish I can stay back, further enjoy your hospitality and burn some fats but NBA Owerri, has their meeting on Saturday 27th and as son of the soil, I cannot be in the South East, without touching my maternal Branch. I started practice in Owerri and she remains dear to me. As you commit YLF to God on Sunday, I urge that you pray for your branch, the nation and Anambra State, that peace should not elude us, as we transit from one government to another.
Gentlemen, enjoy your colloquium, you are doing well.