Owowo Caleb Heartily Congratulates NBA Bwari Branch On The Successful Hosting Of 2023 Law Week

I, Owowo Caleb, use this medium to congratulate the vibrant members of the NBA Bwari branch, ably led by Monday Adjeh on the successful hosting of the law week.  The law week as it is the tradition of the bar, is done towards enhancing the practice areas of members of the branch and the bar in general.
The topics of discuss were well thought out by the law week chairman, Paul Daudu, to effectively address the challenges of  areas of practice of members in  general and the society at large.
The theme of the law: A vibrant bar: A panacea towards good Governance and sustainable development with Dr. Linus Okorie as keynote speaker was apt.
The choice of topics
ranging from  the recent developments and opportunity in the  cabotage industry, impediments to the enforcements of judgments in Nigeria, the role and liabilities of legal practitioners under the Money Laundering Act,2022,  Law and practice of probate in FCT,  emerging areas of practice for new wig, trending topics in family law: custody, domestic violence, prenuptial and post nuptial agreements, reliefs and remedies the court can make, freedom of expression: is Nigerians ripe for the de-criminalization of the offence of defamation, physician heal thyself: electing credible and selfless bar leader leaders, matters arising,  had overreaching  far impacts on the practice of the participants.
The session on electing selfless and credible bar leaders, ably chaired by NBA Secretary General Sir Adeshina Adegbite, with robust contributions from Prof. Ernest Ojukwu SAN(the teacher), Mazi Afam SAN, Mondey Adjeh and  Adaeze  Anah, has helped to deepen  internal democracy in the politics of the branch and the bar at large.
The one week law week will be capped with a sumptuous dinner, clearly shows the branch has fulfilled its annual obligation of enriching the practice of its members and the Bar in general.
Once more, I congratulate the NBA Bwari branch (Cradle Bar), for hosting of the law week that has put the branch as the Primus inter pares among the branches of the bar.
Long Live NBA Bwari Branch!
Long live NBA!
Aspirant for the position of Secretary, NBA Bwari Branch.

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