Address By Dame N. E. Ashara, Esq Idemili Chairman At The Commissioning Of Idemili Bar Centre

It is with great pleasure and utmost humility that I welcome you all to this great occasion.
Sincerely, like the Psalmist said in the Bible, we are really ‘like them that dream and our mouths are filled with laughter and our tongues with songs of praise’.
Idemili Bar was created about twenty years ago and have always had very good and hardworking leaders and members who were always ready and willing to actualise our dream of having a befitting Bar Centre. However, we know of a truth that it is ‘neither of him that willet neither of him that runneth, but of God that showeth mercy’.
Going down memory lane, what was to be the Idemili Bar Centre was commenced several years ago and passed through various Executive Committees, all putting in their best, until sometime in the year2020 when B.E Ewulum PhD. was elected along with his Executive Committees. Also within that time, the members of Idemili Bar resolved that we erect a bungalow and in the event that there is a positive financial turnaround, we can always go for a bigger structure. Without wasting time, B.E. Ewulum PhD and his executives commenced the project immediately.
Then enters our very own Honourable Justice Peter Chudi Obiorah (Ezekwesili), our very own one in a million facilitator. He called and, being that special man with a peculiar grace of God resting on him, his call was answered overwhelmingly by all our wonderful Sponsors, all Lawyers of Idemili extraction and beyond. Hon. Justice Peter C. Obiorah came in and did that which has left them all indelibly engraved in our hearts and most importantly, the history of Idemili Branch and the entire the Nigerian Bar Association.
When our own Honorable Justice Peter Chudi Obiorah directed that the structure already commenced be pulled down as same was not befitting (he actually gave it a name which I will not repeat here), little did we expect that, within such a short space of time, this edifice will rise from the rubbles like the phoenix rising from the ashes. He called it PROJECT 280 DAYS and indeed, so it was.He called and without hesitation, the Sponsors, HON. JUSTICE ONOCHIE M. ANYACHEBELU, PRINCE ROB WEKA, SAN, ANTIE WEKA, ESQ, CHIJIOKE O.P. EMEKA, SAN, CHIEF CHUMA OGUEJIOFOR, SENATOR MIKE AJEGBO, CON, MRS. JULIE K. AJEGBO, CHIEF OKWUCHUKWU UGOLO, SAN, CHIEF CHIMEZIE IKEAZOR, SAN, CHIEF ARTHUR OBI OKAFOR, SAN, HON. JUSTICE PETER C. OBIORAH, NNENNA O. N. AJEGBO, ESQ, CHIEF GEORGE C. IGBOKWE, SAN, MR. PETER N. EZE, RAPHAEL ASHA NNABUIFE, ESQ, VERAQUEEN OKONKWO, ESQ, PROF. OGUGUA V.C. IKPEZE PhD, CHIEF BEN C. UZUEGBU, SAN, CHIEF EMEKA NIGE, SAN, OF, CHIEF MRS UJU IKEAZOR, LADY NDIDI S. OBIORAH, SYLVESTER N.S. EZE, ESQ., EZIM IWEKA-ORAKWUE, ESQ., DR. NNAMDI GEORGE IKPEZE, CHIEF TITUS AKPUDO, CHIEF OKEY UDAH, NGOZI MARTHA UDODI ESQ., DAME NKOLI ASHARA, IGWEKAMMA C. OBIORAH, ESQ., OBIORA NWEZE, ESQ., HON. BONA ORAEKWE, HYACINTH MOGHALU, ESQ, SIR JOSIAH R. NDUKA, Hon. SAM O. CHUKWUKELU, BENJAMIN C. OKOKO, ESQ., NBA |DEMILI BRANCH, SIR JOHN OGUEJIOFOR, CHIEF OKEY MUO AROH, DR BONIFACE EWULUM, HON. IFEATU OBI-OKOYE, HON. CHUBA ORANUSI, answered and this edifice became a reality in such record time. I remember that during our Bar Dinner held in 2020 at Eurogold Hotel, Ogidi, I remember I said to My Lord the Chief Judge that the next Idemili Branch Bar Dinner he will attend will be at our very own Bar Centre and though we missed it for two years, it has come to be. The next Idemili Bar Dinner my Lord will attend will be at our very own Bar Centre.
Achieving such a feat can only be possible where people like you our worthy, unrivaled, unequalled Sponsors, working together with such unconditional love and desire for good things, came together to work for the common good and growth of the Bar. Not only did we succeed in putting up a Bar Centre, but the entire High Court premises of the Idemili Judicial Division is wearing such a marvelous and beautiful look. Presently we make bold to say that the High Court complex of the Idemili Judicial Division is presently the best in the whole of Anambra State, all thanks to the Honourable, The Chief Judge of Anambra State, Hon. Justice Onochie M. Anyachebelu. My lord we say thank you ad may you continue to be lifted to greater heights.
If we are to stand here for the whole of the year and beyond, we can never thank you all enough. We are eternally grateful to you. We are proud of you. We appreciate you and we pray that now and always, you all shall remain blessed and a blessing unto this generation and beyond.
We, members of Idemili Branch, promise that we shall at all times keep this light shining and this Bar Centre growing from strength to strength. We shall not let you down and we shall always uphold and maintain this wonderful legacy.
Our special thanks and appreciation also go to those who have in one way or the other rendered support to this noble project, our friends and colleagues such as Clifford I. Okoye Esq., who supported us with fifty bags of cement, Chief Obi Obimuanya, Sir Chike Nonyelu, R. E. Nduka PhD, the Odidi Lawyers’ Association (OLA) and others too numerous to mention. We thank and appreciate you all.  Remain ever lifted.

Finally, I believe we all appreciate that the reward for good work still remains more work. I rest my case. Thank you all. Thank you. Thank you and may God continue to bless the Nigerian Bar Association, bless Idemili Branch and bless our country Nigeria.  
©️Dame N. E. Ashara, Esq.
Chairman, Idemili Branch.

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