Ogbangwa Drums Eulogy For Austin Alegeh SAN Says; All is Fair in Love and in War.

I am tempted to write my experience with Austin Oyarekhua Alegeh SAN, FCIArb UK – , seeing my experience with some wannabes make me understand why Austin Oyarekhua Alegeh SAN remains the undisputed leader of the Bar in Edo State and why he will remain miles ahead of these wannabes in our Home Branch -the Benin Branch .
I had an experience some where in a high brow Scenery in Abuja ,in a discussion the Client-a Billionaire said ‘Austin Alegeh, I know , but I do not know Douglas,so Young man hand over the documents you brought to the SAN “.  


Douglas Ogbankwa, Esq.

“Douglas Ogbankwa is a young man that knows his onions and you can trust him”.    The Learner Silk Said to my surprise.
Reason: We just finished the Local Elections in NBA Benin and I had to take a stand, which was not on the same page with the Learner Silk, but the Learner Silk did not allow petty politics stop him from offering a lift to a young man ,when it mattered .
Fast Forward to 2023 , If I told you what eventually happened with those I supported in that election , you are likely going to faint .It is stranger than fiction.
Austin Alegeh SAN,FCIArb UK , you are Leader and you will continue to be .         

God bless you sir.

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