Felix Chukwuma Ashimole Congratulates 13 Members Of NBA Bwari Appointed Into NBA Committees

Felix Chukwuma Ashimole, past Welfare, past Secretary of NBA Bwari, has expressed heartfelt gratitude to the YC Maikyau OON, SAN led NBA, on his appointment of 14 members of NBA Bwari into the newly re-constituted Statutory NBA Committees.

Felix Chukwuma Ashimole, is co-publisher of Kubwaexpress and believes in a digitalized NBA that will publicize NBA activities on real time basis.

Mr. Ashimole, the co-publisher of Kubwaexpress, was also appointed into the Sports and Recreation Committee. He urge his co-committee members to use the opportunity to further serve NBA and contribute to the development of the Cradle Bar.
Below are members NBA Bwari appointed into Committees;

1. Monday Adjeh – Human Rights Committee

2. Dr. Olowononi Oluwafemi oluwafemi⁩ – Sports & Recreation Committee

3.Felix Ashimole – Sports & Recreation Committee.

4.Musa Eleojo Amina Ethics/ Disciplinary Committee
5. Paul Daudu (Secretary) – Rule of Law/ Human Rights Committee

6.Dimgba Chidi Jude- Judiciary Committee

7.Peter Omenka – Law Reform Committee

8.Akpomiemie Monday- Legal Education

9.Fache-Omuya Agnes-Dispute Resolution

10. Henry Ehi Barnabas-Welfare Committee

Musa Eleojo Amina, Esq.

11.Ebikebina Dressman- Security Agencies Relations Committee

12.Wayne Chikezie Elijah – Public Interest Litigation Committee

13.Ehijimhentor Orierie – Parliamentary Affairs Committee.
14. Queen Hannatu Inusa-Stabilization Funds Committee

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