Post 2023 General Election & The Nigerian Left

Ahead of 2023 General Election, attempts were made to get the Left or those who are still claiming to be Left of the Nigerian political spectrum, to back a candidate, since there was no Socialist or Communist Party in Nigeria.

Launch of Campaign For The Socialist Transformation of Nigeria, at NLC HQ, Abuja.

I remember that the discussion dovetailed into the x-rating of the Constitution of the parties, with PRP, AAC & LP being the closest. Collectively we couldn’t agree as some were insistent on registering a new political party. This school of thought, was represented by Comrades in ASCAB and later TPAP-M.
While pussyfooting, OBIdient Movement happened, mopping up from the disarrayed ashes of ENDSARS.
Despite the rising wave of this Movement, the Left still refused to collectively participate. Some individually joined and offered tactical support to this Movement and also made financial contributions as well as went on evangelism to enlist others.
The 2023 Election has come and gone. The smoke is still smothering but the heat is gone. The right wind can fan it into an inferno but…    

The way the 3 parties are chewing at each other over who out-rigged each other and over suppressed voters in which region, shows that nothing has changed and they are not engaging in the best interest of Nigerians. This lack of best interest of Nigerians, is evident on the calls that are being made-Let the military take over; Let their be interim government; it would be the death of Democracy, should this and that not happen to favour a particular party.
While remind those that had submitted themselves to the justification of the court to wait the out cone of the dice they had thrown, I ask the Left; which way forward?
We didn’t participate in the Election but now another opportunity has presented itself for us to reinvent ourself and advance our argument for a System Change, the reformation of Nigeria on the basis of Socialism or at best Social Democratic principles.  Instead of taking the bull by the horn and getting heard and seen as an alternative, we have become lead discussants on which of the bourgeois political party raped Nigerians the less.

Participants at the meeting of like minds organized in November 2022 ahead of Feb 2023 General Election.

There was a meeting of like minds organized ahead of 2023 General Election, where certain leftist ideals were reechoed and resolutions reached. Unfortunately, months down the drain, nothing has been heard of the resolutions of that meeting. The resolutions were not carried out in our “collective” engagement confronting 2023 General Election. This disharmonious tunes with the ranks of APC, PDP and LP, offers another golden opportunity for the Left to relaunch itself into the political consciousness of Nigerians or will we allow this to slip again, turning us into reactionaries as the politicians determine the land mines to avoid ahead of 2027 General Election?

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