Fingertips Facts About Kubwa

Kubwa the largest satellite town in Abuja, boomed into life in 1990, when indigenous people of Abuja were forcefully evicted from their ancestral homes, to make space for the invaders from Lagos and other parts of Nigeria.

This invasion was at the heel of unsuccessful coup attempt by Gideon Okah, that exposed the porosity of Dodan Barracks.

Gen. Ibrahim Babangida, gave an order that all relocate to Abuja with alacrity. Prior to this order, Abuja had been in existence. It was created in 1976 as the Federal Capital of Nigeria, with little or no regards to the indigenous tribes cohabiting peacefully in the geographical expression now known as Federal Capital Territory.

1.Kubwa is a residential district in Bwari Area Council.

2.Location: It is located to the north west of the Federal Capital City (FCC) Abuja. The Kubwa neighborhood is administered by the Bwari Area Council (BAC), one of the 6 area councils in the FCT.

3.Size: Kubwa is approximately 860 hectares.

The land of Kubwa is generally low, undulating and speckled with rock outcrops.

4.Infrastructure: NYSC Orientation Camp, General Hospital, Post Office, Train Station, Water Board, Police Command, good road network

5.Crime: There is low crime rate in Kubwa. This makes it a choice place to live compared to other districts and suburb in Abuja.

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