Weep Not Akpata, Strike Now That The Iron Is Hot

My attention has been drawn to the wailing by outgoing NBA President, Olumide Akpata Esq, published by many bloggers.
According to one, Olumide Akpata is credited with wailing, “I have done my own part, I have nothing personal against Chief Olanipekun.
The Creme of the Legal Profession, Bar and Bench was sitting in the room, all of them had constructive and legal notice of my letter, not one raised it for the four hours that the meeting was going on. Even at AOB, not one raised it. It is a day of shame for the legal profession.”

My first reaction was, “serves NBA right.” But after that wave of initial gloating had farted out, I came down to this rational thinking. 

I am reliably informed that Olumide Akpata, did not write that letter to Chief Wole Olanipekun SAN, without consultations with past NBA Presidents and Bar leaders. Majority gave him the nod and encouragement to pen down those jaw breaking demands.

These consultations and assured showdown, was why the Body of Benchers meeting was well attended by past NBA Presidents both those for and those against. It was this array of arsenal, that drove fear into others that nobody dared raise the issue of the letter demanding that Chief Olanipekun steps down as BoB chairman.

Pained and betrayed, Olumide Akpata, short of lashing out at those who sent him to buy salt while whistling the rainmaker’s name, took a safe swap on all lawyers and cried; “ We are hypocrites”

Well, as the leader of NBA, he still has powers to put muscle and life to the alphabets of his letter.

1.Deny Chief Wole Olanipekun SAN any recognition during the forthcoming NBA Conference in Lagos.

2.Encourage rebellion within BoB and arm-twist them into peaceful offering the embattled Chief, parrot’s egg in a calabash

3.Allow the proposed protest by Lawyers Of Conscience at the AGC to go on without police interference.

The outgoing president need not whine like a child whose mother has denied the joy of biting her nipples; he has a lot left at his disposal to make it real.

One Comment on “Weep Not Akpata, Strike Now That The Iron Is Hot”

  1. Let Him Act without fear or favour, if the CJN Tanko could run away out of shame, Chairman BoB should be advised to step down as a partner to the lawyer that peddled his name as an influencer of judges in order to purchase another counsel’s client. Poaching of clients is terrible and worse when done by purported leaders of the Bar. Nevertheless, the legal profession is fast dying, especially as the next Exco will never see this BoB matter to any end after the current NBA executive leaves soon…. Nevertheless, it is herculean to be a lawyer, truly in a lawless country, particularly with what Ogunde has done.. Some agbero people have joined the profession and many more everyday.. Even professor Sagay who taught me talks like a voodoo doctor in praise of politicians because of food is ready stomach infrastructure driven system tingled with ethnoreligious proclivities profiling biases supported by garrulous talking politics.. Worse than useless country

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