Politics Of Law Week In An Election Year

Most local NBA Branches, will have a change of Executive by the end of June, clear 16 days to NBA National Election. And all equations and assurances can be abandoned for new realignment with the newly emerged executive.

These outgoing Executives bearing this in mind, have slated their branches Law Week to fall in and are using it as a bargaining chip.

They have drawn up elaborate Law Week programs with sole target of contestants pockets. The sword of blackmail of “if you no pay, our branch no go support you” dangles precariously on the contestants ambition and you can hear it loud and clear in the telephone conversation with members of the given Branch’s Law Week Committee.

Some branches pegged their Goodwill Message at N1,000,000(One Million Naira) for a page. And this solicitation for support has been sent to most of those vying for national office.     

Me, I have received from at least 11 branches. As Fela will say, “I look myself, look my pocket, look my suffering in NBA and shouted; Stalemate.”

I will not pay for any goodwill message to be published in any Branch’s Law Week magazine. The only exception is to my Branch. I am an elder in my branch, a leader and I am duty bound to help my branch, whether I am contesting or not. So I have made a widow’s mite donation to my Branch’s Law Week and I will give no kobo to any other Branch for its law week this election year, maybe next year.

Those vying for national office, in search of votes, are sheepishly following these dying executives to the slaughter slab without reading the NBA Constitution. It is against the provisions of NBA Constitution. See Second Schedule of 2015 NBA Constitution Part iv; Election of National Officers Paragraph 14;

“All Branches, sections, and Fora are prohibited from soliciting contributions, donations, or seeking sponsors from candidates seeking election into any national office during the election year.”

But like a barren woman looking for a male child, who will do anything, including sleeping with a native doctor, most contestants bow before these branches and seek ways to contravene this section of the Constitution.

This law week in June in an election year, particularly by an outgoing exco, is an euphemism to sell branch’s votes, support to the highest bidder aka buyer of most expensive page in Law Week Magazine.

ECNBA, should disqualify any candidate whose image and goodwill message appears in any branch other than his or her local branch’s Law Week Magazine.

We must make NBA electioneering and campaign processes less expensive.

Felix Chukwuma Ashimole, Esq believes that a digitalized NBA is possible to give publicity to all activities of the Bar.


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