Law Firm Owner Fined £20,000 For Making Sexual Comments (Mmm, I like what I see) To Interviewee

The male owner of a law firm in West London, Victor Nwosu, who asked an interviewee whether she had a boyfriend and told her she was beautiful has been fined £20,000 and cost of £23,500 by Solicitors Disciplinary Tribunal.

Victor Nwosu, a solicitor for 17 years, repeatedly commented to the woman, who was interviewing for a paralegal role, about her looks and said words to the effect of ‘mmm, I like what I see’ when she turned around to hang her jacket up. The woman reported being ‘horrified’ by the interview and said she felt ‘like a piece of meat’.

Nwosu denied any misconduct and accused the woman of lying, but the said the language used could only be considered to have sexual connotations. When he offered her the job, he stated that she would have to wear skirts and high heeled shoes and said that he would ‘only employ beautiful women’.

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