Felix Chukwuma Ashimole Visits The Lion’s Den

After a successful consultation in Owerri, during its NBA meeting, which the following “aspirants” were in attendance; The big masquerade YC Maikyau SAN, Jonathan Taidi, Esq who wants to tidy NBA;
Ede Asenoguan, wants to be Secretary, Linda Rose Bala eying 1st Vice President, Mr. Damian Nosike, 2nd Vice Presidential hopeful, Mr. Oseme Peremene Anthony, former NBA Idemili Branch Chairman gunning for Assistant Secretary, Caroline Ladidi Anze-Bishop and Mr. Chuks Mbamala are fighting for the key to the Treasury.

I moved to NBA Benin to continue consulting. I knew it was one of the persons contesting same post of Publicity Secretary with me. Beyond going to shake table and harvest the few votes that will fall off, I thought nothing more the visit.

As visitors were called to give goodwill massages and wish the Bar well, I stood up and hailing of B-I-S-H-O-P of The Sinners Assembly filled air. Unknown to me, members of the online parish of the Assembly were in attendance.
Filled with pride, I was tempted to abandon what politically brought me to Benin and turn it into Episcopal visit. I quickly wished the Bar well, and told them that, I was the last to join the race because I don’t come early to anything, I take my time to come and when I come, it sticks like postage stamp until result is gotten, even if it takes 9 months to reach its destination.

The Chairman responding, told me that, I should know what happens when an antelope enters a lion den. It then downed on me that NBA Benin calls itself THE LION BAR.

Since I am not Daniel, I smiled and by way of replying on point of law, told the house, an antelope can only dare the lion, if he knows that the lion has arthritis or toothache. I have come not to dare and conquer but to solicit that they look at their son who is contesting and my humble self, weigh us on the scale of capacity to render selfless services to NBA and choose who they think, not natal sentiment but based on proven records, that can give NBA the best.

Still wanting to remain Felix the lawyer, my parishioners kept calling me B-I-S-H-O-P and I undergone transfiguration into my office as the Bishop of The Sinners Assembly and to NUJ centre we went for fellowship. As we were breaking bread and quaffing, the Spirit kept reminding them that, Felix Chukwuma Ashimole, Esq in line with his principles does not do hangouts as campaign strategy. We stuck to strictly social issues and the affair between man and woman in the state of debased nature. My Benin brothers are truly grounded in the scriptures.

As no NBA activity is complete without dinner, where better alcoholic beverages flow like the Woman with issue of blood, we relocated from the mountain of transformation and became lawyers, mingling and networking but the Gods of Benin, kept seeking my attention, threatening me and asking why haven’t I come to pay homage? Is their any quarrel between me and them? Did they not welcome me well?

With shame, like a prodigal son, I went to Holy Arousa.I can’t say more than, you should visit and have your own encounter.

From Holy Arousa, I toured the sacred grounds of Benin Kingdom. I got to the Oba’s palace. Hmmm! Africans, we must tell our stories by ourselves. We should stop demonizing our ancestors. The Saints of Orthodox churches are nothing but ancestors and Abraham, Isaac and Jacob are Israelite ancestors. Why should I be ashamed of mine? Why should I be afraid of mine? If you can pray through Saints, why shouldn’t I pray through my ancestors and ask for their protection and provision?

Honestly, the chairman of Oredo LGA, should be dragged for not maintaining the shrines around his office. The access to the State House of Assembly complex is bushy and unkempt, same with the areas surrounding the status. These areas should be cleaned and made attractive to tourists and use it to generate revenue.

Felix Chukwuma Ashimole, Esq co-publisher of Kubwaexpress, believes in a true digitalized NBA.

I thank the Benin Gods, I thank NBA Benin for their several and joint hospitality and hearing my prayers. Once ban on campaign is lifted, I shall be back with the right spear to thrust into the heart of an already wounded lion.

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