FERDINAND NAZA: A Round Peg In A Round Hole For National Publicity Secretary, NBA

Najib Hamisu,
Chairman, YLF, Kano Branch.
Gentlemen of the Nigerian Bar Association,
Today, I present a candidate whose exemplary service, dedication, and vision have distinguished him as the ideal choice for the office of the National Publicity Secretary of our esteemed association. I am honored to introduce Ferdinand Naza, (the immediate past National Assistant Publicity Secretary under the illustrious Olumide Akpata administration).
During the tenure of the past administration, as part of the publicity team, he demonstrated unparalleled commitment to enhancing the public image of the NBA.His strategic communication skills and innovative public relations initiatives did not only elevate our association’s profile but also ensured that our voices were heard on critical issues affecting the legal profession and our nation during the 2020-2022 administration.
Ferdinand’s track record speaks volumes. He played a pivotal role in crafting and disseminating messages that resonated with our members and the broader public.
As the National Assistant Publicity Secretary, he showcased his ability to manage complex publicity tasks with finesse.
But his contributions go beyond his official duties. He is a visionary leader who understands the evolving dynamics of the legal profession and the importance of adapting our communication strategies to meet contemporary challenges. He is committed to leveraging modern technology and innovative platforms to enhance our outreach and engagement. As we look to the future, the role of National Publicity Secretary demands a person with not only the experience but also the foresight to navigate the complexities of our times. Ferdinand Naza is that person. His deep understanding of the NBA’s goals, coupled with his proven ability to effectively communicate and engage, make him the perfect candidate to take on this vital role.
Gentlemen of the Bar, a vote for Ferdinand Naza is a vote for a stronger, more visible, and more influential Nigerian Bar Association. It is a vote for progress, transparency, and excellence in communication.
Join me in supporting Ferdinand Naza for National Publicity Secretary of the Nigerian Bar Association. Together, let us continue to elevate our association and make our collective voices heard.
Thank you.Najib Hamisu,
Chairman, YLF, Kano Branch.

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