NBA Otukpo Law Week 2024

The Exco and entire members of Nigerian Bar Association Otukpo, cordially wish to notify you of activities to mark her 2024 Law Week. The Law Week shall commence on the 17th day of May, 2024.Here is the programme of activities lined up to give you a memorable Law Week.
Theme: THE MANUMIT LAWYER: Maximizing Pecuniary Potentials of Legal Practice in Nigeria.
Day 1:  
17th May 2024.
Health walk at  Court Premises; time 6:30 am.
Resident Judge’s Cocktail.
Venue: High Court 1 Premises.
Time: 6:30 pm.
Day 2:    
18th May 2024.
Opening Ceremony/Seminars.
Venue: Aden 360 Hotel GRA Otukpo.
Dinner/ Award Night.
10pm till Dawn -Gaiety Night.
Venue: Aden360 Karaoke & Club. Day 3:  
19th May 2024.
Thanksgiving Service.
Venue: St. John’s Cathedral Church.
Depot road, Otukpo, Benue State.    For sponsorship and goodwill messages, contact; C.C. Umeh, Esq. 0703 427 3681


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