Last Will And Testament Of Ashimole Felix Chukwuma aka Che Oyinatumba Ofuji Obodo abua na eme offload Bishop of The Sinners Assembly

I have always preached that a man once lucky enough to pass 40 years, should write a Will. They ask me, have you written yours?

Yes, I first consciously wrote my Will and how I want to be buried, when I turned 30. Now I am 49, on the eve of my 50th birthday, I have the nudging to amend my Will.

If you, who is reading this predecease me, the information will be of no use to you. But if I you out live me, kindly ensure that;

1.All my earthly possessions except any Funmilayo Onyinyechi wants to keep, should be given to motherless babies home.

2. Any money left in my account at the time of my death, should be given to Nmesoma to hold in trust for herself and her sisters-Amdo, Funmilayo and Ngozi. As at now, I have no child outside the 4 of them but should any woman come with a child and says I was the father, look at his nose and ear then make up your mind.

3. If I die before my wife, she should mourn me the way she wants and is free to instantly remarry or not, but she must make herself happy and keep on living.

4. I should buried quietly. It must be a solemn occasion. No undertakers should dance with my remains. Do not put me in a coffin or casket. I should totally naked, wrapped in a cloth(my 2nd daughter will choose the color) and buried traditionally in line with the custom of Azaraegbelu community.

5. I should be buried on the next Eke day after my death. If the Eke is the next day and I cannot be taken to Azaraegbelu to be buried, let it be the next Eke within one week of my death.
(b) If the cost of preserving me and taking me to Azaraegbelu exceeds N2065,000, I should be buried in the city I died but my penis, should be cut off, preserved in alcohol and sent to Azaraegbelu to be buried.

6. If at the time of my death, I have not built a house in my village(I doubt if I will), let no renovations be done to any part of my father’s house. Visitors must see where I called home, the way it was at the time of my death.

7. The above 1-6 were consciously made. I am not sick, I am mentally sound(although some see my nonconformity as insanity), I am conscious of the implications of the above and they are my Will and Last Testament. All previous Wills, Statement, Testaments done by me before 14th Day of September are of no effect.

Dated This 14th Day Of September 2022.   


One Comment on “Last Will And Testament Of Ashimole Felix Chukwuma aka Che Oyinatumba Ofuji Obodo abua na eme offload Bishop of The Sinners Assembly”

  1. Should your wig and gown be given to the orphanage home?
    I wish you can device those ones appropriately…

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